Monday, January 27, 2020

Legal Strategery

Good. Let the impeachment trial run for a month or two. Meanwhile, in the courts:
It would certainly be that "Constitutional crisis" the media is always fainting for fear of. And Ken Starr this morning took his argument straight from FoxNews:
Starr argued that the House shouldn't have impeached Trump because it hasn't been at least 100 years since Clinton was impeached. Oh, and Britain dropped impeachment from its law over 100 years ago. I'm not making this up. Somehow the Constitutional provision for impeachment is rendered moot because the Brits decided impeachment didn't lead to justice 100 years ago. And besides we hardly ever remove Art. III judges via impeachment, and they're appointed for life! Presidents last, what, four years, eight at most? Impeachment just really shouldn't be used against a President at all.  And certainly not when there is no crime:
Well, not for another 100 years, anyway.
Yeah, it really is.

I hope Starr got his money in advance.

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