Monday, August 05, 2024

And Jews Supporting Abortion Is Just Like Being A Nazi..:

The [opinion] piece [co-authored by von Spakovsky for The Daily Caller] claimed, “It is abortion supporters like [Kamala] Harris who deny the humanity of developing babies, just as slave owners denied the humanity of the men, women and children they owned. It is abortion supporters like Harris who believe that developing babies are property.”
When, in fact, it is women who are property, and their wombs which we must control. Which ain’t slavery because: babies.

When they are this stupid about it, it makes it that much easier to repudiate.

1 comment:

  1. Von Spakovsky is a serial liar as a witness in Republican-fascist, Heritage stink-tank "voter fraud" cases. Found to be so by judges in actual cases. I hope someday he's charged with perjury in that regard, he should have been years ago. He's a long time white supremacist, Black vote suppression advocate and neo-Jim Crower of WWII era European fascist heritage. I've got an automatic allergy to anyone who retained the honorific "Von" when they get her, or when they stay in Europe, for that matter.
