Thursday, August 08, 2024


“Reality. What a concept.”—Robin Williams  Show time! Reality is gonna kick his ass from here to Sunday and back. Very stable genius. In the history of the world, or the universe! So, Fox, nothing? After all? Somebody did. And it must be true. The world where we provide for school children? Or the world you think you live in?
And now: Question Time 
This will reassure the donors and the doubters. You can only see them with Trump-O-Vision glasses 👓, that let you see the world as Trump does. On sale in the lobby for $129.95. I’m guessing he just can’t answer that question? DON’T CALL HIM WEIRD!!! Does he even know who the President is?
He appointed her, asked her to serve as vice president," he recalled. "Well, I don't know if he's happy about that decision right now." 
"The presidency was taken away from Joe Biden," he continued. "And I'm no Biden fan, but I'll tell you what, from a constitutional standpoint, from any standpoint you look at, they took the presidency away, and people were saying he lost after the debate." 
Trump insisted his claims were true "because I know a lot of people on the other side, believe it or not."
No, seriously. Does he? So why have you never gotten more than 46% of the vote? "Bold and daring!,” say NYT and WaPo. When a Republican is in the White House, inflation is good for you! That’s the whole course in GOP economics. 🤦🏻‍♂️  Does he know where the ear lobe is? BTW, Trump is leading, “by a lot!,” but he folded like a cheap suit on the debate battle. But he’s still debating himself on Fox on September 4. Brave, brave Sir Robin.

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