Tuesday, October 01, 2024

A: John Denver

"Casey’s Last Ride,” on the “Aerie” album.

Before he got Rocky Mountain high and thanked God he was a country boy, Denver wrote some good songs and made some great music. His cover of Kristofferson’s song is equal to Joplin’s “Bobby McGee.” It’s heartbreakingly good, well suited to the song.

I don’t know if he ever performed it again, but it’s my favorite performance of his recordings.

“I And The Schoolchildren Know”

So what was it in April? This is Twitter, the “fog of war,” and I don’t really trust numbers in war anyway. My memory stretches back to daily “body counts” from Vietnam on the evening news. And it never occurred to us to ask who was doing all that grim census, and why we should accept it to be true*. But until we know this attack is multitudes larger than the one in April, stand down. The situation is bad enough. Natural disasters and war: “And all the news is full of death.” One we have to prepare for; one we have to work harder to prevent. "I and the schoolchildren know/What everyone must learn/Those to whom violence is done/Do violence in return.”

*Yes, suspicion of government began with the anti-war movement. What starts left always ends up on the right in America.


I want to be clear with you and tour viewers," she told co-hosts Willie Geist and Jonathan Lemire. "This is almost a radical decision in its recognition of the right of women to control their body." 
"More importantly, to prevent against a sort of involuntary servitude or forced labor," she added. "There is a recognition that women are not as he says collectively owned community property. That they cannot be forced to carry a fetus before viability any more than you or I could be forced to give up a kidney." 
"That's a fairly radical conception of the right to abortion, and made a lot of women I know think, 'My god, this is the end of judicial gaslighting. There is somebody here who sees us,'" she concluded.
She’s not wrong; not at all.

But that is so close to the reasoning of the trimester division of Roe, upheld by Planned Parenthood, it almost deserves a law review article. And now that reasoning, fully 50 years old, it is now “radical.”

Fucking Overton Window.🪟 

The View From Nowhere

I have no expertise on Israeli politics or policy. But it’s a truism that bread and circuses (by which the Romans meant blood sports in the circle (circus) of the Coliseum keep the polis happy, and a little blood and guts is a good booster of office holders. Again, this may have come to pass regardless of Israel’s recent actions. It it’s provoked by Iran needing to support its terrorists (no winners here). Or a cynical man might think Netanyahu was aiming for precisely this outcome. For his sake, not necessarily Israel’s.

Easy to see more than one side, if you look.👀