Halloween decorations in 2021 pic.twitter.com/X1lD7xfUyv
— Ryan Marino (@RyanMarino) September 30, 2021
"I would like to say 'This book is written to the glory of God', but nowadays this would be the trick of a cheat, i.e., it would not be correctly understood."--Ludwig Wittgenstein
"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards."--Soren Kierkegaard
Thursday, September 30, 2021
‘Tis The Season
"Will You Please Be Quiet, Please!"
A) We did read it in the news. And then it got swamped by all the other "news" coming out of the advance copies of Peril.* Blame the media, if you must.“A Trump lawyer wrote an instruction manual for a coup. Why haven’t you seen it on the news?” @Sulliview on the Eastman memo, which is detailed in PERIL.
— Robert Costa (@costareports) September 30, 2021
Key thing our reporting shows: it was not just a memo. Eastman, Trump in Oval Jan. 4 w/ VP. https://t.co/QkhwLgtGTg
If Looks Could Kill
Ever seen a picture of an intubation? Ever seen somebody intubated? It’s not the old oxygen tent, or the plastic face mask, or even the nose plugs strapped on your head. The tube is inserted deep down the throat. The patient is in an induced coma. It’s the only way to keep the patient calm enough to tolerate the tube 24/7.I've asked this question before, but, if Covid was as visible as Smallpox, would anti-vaxxers still be anti-vax?
— D Villella ❄️ (@dvillella) September 29, 2021
The boy on the right was vaccinated, the boy on the left was not. pic.twitter.com/Up6l36NCG6
There’s a lot of that going around. Although it’s not as strongly held a belief as some might think.Unless they were raised by wolves & never encountered the American education system, every person who is complaining about mandatory Covid vaccine is really saying, “I was fine with the first dozen or so vaccines I had to take but the 13th is a gross violation of my rights.”
— stuart stevens (@stuartpstevens) September 29, 2021
And it's: her political opponent!Trump-backed Arizona candidate for governor claims to know 'mastermind' behind 'stolen' election https://t.co/0cmKK39JGZ
— Raw Story (@RawStory) September 29, 2021
"She's basically the mastermind of the 2020 election," Lake insisted. "The secretary of state oversees the election and we know and we saw it proved last Friday when we saw the forensic audit report detailed for us, all of the fraud, all of the -- what appears to be criminal activity. I mean, who goes in the day before and deletes millions of election files the day before the audit is to begin. That is criminal."
As goes Arizona, so goes the nation? Does she understand this was a 50-state election? (Well, and Puerto Rico and Guam, if I understand correctly.)
As for the allegation of fraud: a) fraud is not necessarily a criminal activity. There is civil fraud, and there is criminal fraud. Two different beasts, and proving one doesn't necessarily prove the other. Of course, there's also:
b) evidence of fraud. The "deletion" of "millions of election files" didn't happen. Even the Cyber Ninjas admitted they got that wrong. What Lake is referring to is what we call a "lie." Oddly, lies are the basis of most charges of fraud (criminal or civil); which is not to say this is such a case. Just to note the irony. Also to note this is why 60+ cases were tossed out of court summarily when Trump & Co. went to court on lies, not evidence. Without evidence, you can't prove fraud; or a criminal violation of law, for that matter.
Lake is referring to a report that wasn't issued. She is citing a claim that even the authors of the actual report had to admit was an error on their part, because they had no idea how elections work. Much like non-lawyers or law enforcement professionals, who think whatever action they don't like is "criminal," reveal they don't know how the law works.
These are the clowns we're supposed to be afraid of? Well, if they got control of the courts, I would be afraid. But they haven't. Even the "philosophers" of the Supreme Court (they want to reassert their Olympian postures by telling select crowds how right they are, and how august), though they might overturn Roe (and woe be unto us when they do, but maybe we'll take matters into our hands, eh? Always look on the bright side...), will never inject the chaos and extra-legal actions of "de-certifying" an election or declaring it fraudulent and so deciding it for the runner up (what, only the Presidential votes were fraudulent? What about the rest of the ballot? Can we unzip all those votes for Republicans down ballot, too?).
I ain't skeered. Mostly I'm just tired of being told the sky is falling; or that Hitler is renascent, and he's coming from Florida, unless he goes broke or gets arrested first. I’m tired of people thinking the only viable position is the polar opposite of their enemies. That’s how those who fight demons become demons themselves.
Yes, It Does
Yes, the poll does show that.Carney rn https://t.co/GcqNIhIeXW pic.twitter.com/IOXGDxKuEK
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) September 29, 2021
Today, Governor Abbott receives a divided 44 - 47 percent job approval rating, marking the first time Abbott's score is underwater since Quinnipiac University began polling in Texas in April 2018. In today's poll, Republicans approve 83 - 12 percent, independents are divided with 43 percent approving and 47 percent disapproving, and Democrats disapprove 89 - 6 percent.Texas voters say 50 - 33 percent that they do not think Beto O'Rourke would make a good governor, while 17 percent did not offer an opinion. Voters say 49 - 25 percent that they do not think Matthew McConaughey would make a good governor, while 26 percent did not offer an opinion.
"A lukewarm to downright cool response to an Abbott rerun in Austin, but compared to the high-profile young guns who may have eyes on a possible gubernatorial run, the governor is tall in the saddle,"
Whose Anguish Counts?
The answer is always the same.“Section 51, part 6 of the Tennessee law makes lesson plans illegal if students "feel discomfort, guilt, or anguish."
— The Die Is Cast (@bombcola909) September 29, 2021
If only this was the law when I was in high school, I could’ve had the whole math department shut down.
Trans Is The New Black
"STAND UP FOR YOUR KIDS!" As long as they aren't trans.Matt Walsh reportedly rented property in Virginia just so he could go to a school board overseeing a district he doesn't have kids in and rant about trans people using bathrooms in schoolhttps://t.co/3azA98Z74T
— Jared Holt (@jaredlholt) September 29, 2021
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
Stand Down From Red Alert 🚨
Remember the "Arizona 'audit' to be repeated everywhere!"? Yeah, not so much.New: The Texas secretary of state’s office has released some details of what the election “audits” in four counties will entail. They include standard post-election procedures local officials have already undertaken. https://t.co/z5SlCkicYX
— Texas Tribune (@TexasTribune) September 29, 2021
The secretary of state's documentation explaining the parameters of the reviews notes the first phase includes partial manual counts of ballots and security assessments, which all counties are already required to undergo.The second phase, which is slated for “spring 2022,” will be an examination of election records “to ensure election administration procedures were properly followed.” That includes reviews of records of voting machine accuracy tests, rosters for early voting, forms detailing chain of custody for sealed ballot boxes and other election materials maintained by the counties.But the secretary of state also indicates it will review records that counties already provide to the office, including the “reasonable impediment declarations” filled out by voters who indicate they lack one of the photo IDs the state requires voters to present to cast a ballot.
Although there probably is a reason for this; and it's not a good one:
In announcing the reviews, the secretary of state’s office said it was focusing its efforts on Texas’ two largest Democrat counties, Harris and Dallas, and two largest Republican counties, Tarrant and Collin. But both longtime Republican strongholds show signs of inching away from the GOP. Tarrant narrowly voted Democratic at the top of the ticket in 2018 and 2020. In Collin County, Trump saw his margin of victory fall from 16% in 2016 to 4.6% in 2020.
The devil is still in the details:
In releasing the details about the reviews, a spokesperson for the secretary of state emphasized the office would not be “hiring or contracting with an outside firm to conduct these audits.”
The months following Trump’s loss have been roiled by Republican efforts to pursue election reviews across the country. The reviews announced by the Texas secretary of state’s office came just weeks after Republicans in the Texas Senate showed an interest in passing legislation that would pave the way for county audits of the 2020 general election. Time ran out on the last special legislative session during which it was considered.
But the secretary of state’s office on Tuesday said its reviews could trigger full manual recounts of ballots cast in some precincts or polling locations if the office finds “irregularities or deviations from election administration procedures” that could have affected the accuracy of a county’s electronic ballot count.
But nobody's inviting Cyber Ninja's for a sleepover. Not yet, anyway. And does this mean we actually know what's going on? No; and that's the point;
Officials in Harris County on Tuesday morning said they remained unaware of what the audits would cover despite comments by Abbott that the reviews “actually began months ago.” Now, it appears the governor was, at least in part, referring to processes counties are separately required by law to complete.
Government as three-card monte; but nobody knows how to work the hustle.
We Are Already Conducting Triage Of Patients
The only difference is whether the system is formal and overseen by "ethics committees" terribly concerned about the burden of making the decisions; or whether we're doing it on a "first-come, first-served" basis.Opinion: My father should be in surgery rehab. But with beds full of the unvaccinated, he died in covid quarantine. https://t.co/9gsqGtq44z
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) September 29, 2021
Generating Gaps
“We are in the middle of monumental events in this country... Anybody who looks and sees anything other than danger at this moment I believe is naive and it's time to wake up in this country,” @SteveSchmidtSES tells @CapehartJ on the #SundayShow pic.twitter.com/JO5KQiXI0o
— The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart (@TheSundayShow) September 26, 2021
Realizing Steve Schmidt is 7 years younger than Rick Wilson (who is just at the cusp between Boomers and Gen X), and that generalizations based on year of birth are as reasonable as astrological signs (not at all), one can still make generalizations about “generations” based on history.
Mr. Wilson, for example, was 26 when the Berlin Wall came down. I was 34. The difference of 8 years is a major difference in this case (Mr. Schmidt was 19). I saw a “Twilight Zone” re-run last night, from 1963. The story concerned people trying to live after the nuclear holocaust. This, in itself, was not remarkable in 1963. I haven’t done a study of it, but nuclear holocaust provided the backdrop for apocalypse movies for decades, until zombies and pandemics in general, took over. The TZ story, then, was a familiar trope in 1963. It was, of course, set in the future; the future many people feared (Serling used this trope several times in the run of the series). In this case, the future was 1974. Not important to us 47 years after that, whose worst crime against humanity was the rise of disco; but the story was set 10 years after the war to end all wars (and civilization itself).
I can think of four or five such stories across the series; stories set after the holocaust, the complete destruction of civilization, or just the unholy terror of what everyone was sure was bound to happen. It was the droning background noise of the '60's. We all heard it, we all thought about it, we all feared it.
Neither date in the story itself is significant, except that the war being 10 years in the past in the story, and the story being set in 1974, meant the war had come in 1964. Only one year in the future from the year of first broadcast. It wouldn't be plausible today, unless it was something as implausible as a zombie apocalypse. Nuclear war was all too plausible in 1963.
Someone might set a zombie apocalypse story a few years in the future today. Devious things happen in a large secretive corporation, evil virus/AI/what have you escapes, apocalypse follows. The focus is mostly on the evil corporation. The proximity in time (The Day After Tomorrow, which was actually the title of a nuclear war scenario film, IIRC) of course just makes it scarier, if not more plausible. But in 1963 nuclear holocaust was all too real, all too expected. Twenty years later, that expectation very nearly became reality:
Fear of nuclear holocaust had considerably abated by 1983, which is one reason that story is not more widely known, that Stanislav Petrov’s name isn’t more widely recognized. In 1983, Rick Wilson was 20; Steve Schmidt was 13; and your humble host was 28 and had been married for 6 years.Just past midnight today in 1983, thanks to “a funny feeling in my gut,” 44 year-old Lt. Col. Stanislav Petrov’s calm assessment that a satellite warning of the launch of five US Minuteman ICBMs was a false alarm likely averted a catastrophic nuclear war. https://t.co/J5MrBr3XAO pic.twitter.com/2sPO4KDqON
— Stephen Schwartz (@AtomicAnalyst) September 26, 2021
Chickens Coming Home To Roost!
How dare you avoid doing what we said you could avoid doing?Texas lawmakers were furious today about a loophole that says natural gas companies won’t have to better prepare their facilities for extreme weather before this winter.
— Texas Tribune (@TexasTribune) September 29, 2021
That loophole is one lawmakers wrote into law. #TXlegehttps://t.co/jtlEZKSP1S
: ;
Grisham wrote that Trump told people he had the colonoscopy without anesthesia. The story, in other words, comes from Trump."So this doctor comes up to me, big tough guy, Air Force, tears in his eyes and he says, 'Sir, I never cry, sir. But it's the best colon I've ever seen.'" https://t.co/pasID4QR3j
— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) September 28, 2021
60+ failed cases later, and we’re still surprised to find out what the courts said: it was all lies? Some of those cases were tossed by the Supreme Court. All of them, without exception, couldn’t stand up to the least amount of scrutiny. (A reminder: summary dismissal requires viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the plaintiff, and STILL deciding they don’t have a case.) A federal judge sanctioned lawyers for their baseless claims (a.k.a “lies”). Giuliani is being disbarred for his lies. Other sanctions hearings against the lawyers are pending.'It was all made up!' Maddow reveals bombshell Rudy Giuliani testimony about origins of Trump's big election liehttps://t.co/tT5fhCRHEL
— Raw Story (@RawStory) September 29, 2021
Happy Days Are Here Again
Trump’s conspiracy theory about elections is credited with Gavin Newsom’s win in the recall election (I know, no longer in the future, so who cares?), and he’s breaking up the GOP into little pieces.I love a good mess. https://t.co/7zDk2MrtdA
— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) September 28, 2021
'Absolutely false': Cyber Ninjas CEO slams pro-Trump website for falsely claiming he said election shouldn't be certifiedhttps://t.co/P0HcL2007y
— Raw Story (@RawStory) September 28, 2021
[Doug] Logan [CEO of Cyber Ninjas], who led the ballot review for Arizona Senate Republicans, says he never recommended that Maricopa County's 2020 election be decertified, which is included in an edited version of Logan's report posted on far-right media outlet The Gateway Pundit.The edited version claims that "57,734 ballots with serious issues were identified in the audit" and, therefore, "the election should not be certified, and the reported results are not reliable."The real results of Logan's review did not claim an issue with that number of ballots, and did not show evidence of fraud. The hand count of ballots affirmed President Joe Biden's win in the county.
Or this?
Trump supporters are spouting 'lurid fantasies of revenge' in calls for nationwide ballot 'audits': reporthttps://t.co/PyquJSuu2W
— Raw Story (@RawStory) September 28, 2021
"In Arizona, the demands for even more audits occasionally came with lurid fantasies of revenge. State Rep. Walt Blackman, who represents the same mostly-rural district as [Wendy] Rogers, said on Friday that 'we need to find these folks accountable that come up from this audit and this hearing' and, once identified, 'put them in jail, put them behind bars.' State Sen. Sonny Borrelli, the majority whip, suggested that the election might have been hacked — the report didn't show that — and suggested that if it was, the hackers should be put to death," Weigel noted.
As goes Arizona, so goes the world? Of course, in Texas, they can't find their ass with both hands and a flashlight. Abbott keeps pushing stories about an "audit" although nobody else in Texas government knows what the hell he's talking about. Not exactly a hotbed of "lurid fantasies of revenge" down here. And honestly, "lurid fantasies of revenge" sound like the clowns who wanted to kidnap the governor of Michigan. I'm still not convinced they were as close to carrying that out as the FBI thinks they were. As for demands to "Put them in jail, put them behind bars" (it went further; he wanted them all to face the death penalty, and the sooner sentence was carried out, the better), yeah: that's not gonna happen.
But it'll probably convince even more GOP voters not to vote again soon, because, why bother? It's all rigged! (well, the GOP voters who are still alive when the pandemic is over. I wish I was only being mordantly humorous with that. I'm actually dead serious.)
Logan’s final report raised questions about 53,305 ballots, although he notes multiple times in the report that there may be explanations for the discrepancies he found, affecting a fairly even split of Republican, Democratic and independent, undeclared or third-party voters.The county, for its part, offered explanations on social media as Logan presented the report to state Senate leaders on Friday.
Logan told The Arizona Republic on Monday that the version of the report posted on the far-right media website "is not one I ever wrote, nor was it ever part of our drafts reviewed with the Senate."
Logan said in a news release on Tuesday that the claim this was his language, but that it was watered down because of supposed threats from the Senate, is "absolutely false."
Logan also said he did not write the line about the "57,734 ballots," and did not know where that number came from.
I know Hitler built his government in part on the dolchstosslegende coming out of the loss in World War I. If I read another "historian" who says Trump is Hitler and we're Weimar Germany, I'm gonna throw something at my computer screen. WWII was the finale of what started with WWI. The final proof of that is that the Allies rebuilt Germany (and America Japan) because the carving up and "punishment" of Germany after WWI was clearly the source of the anger that lead to Nazism and WWII. The nations who fought that war could see that, but 75 years on we just look at Mein Kampf and the Reichstag fire and scream: "HISTORY REPEATS!"
No; and in this case, it doesn't even rhyme. And the idea that Trump is going to lead a bunch of brownshirts into revolt is laughable. His primary concern is staying in their good graces, and getting them to cheer his tired old lines at silly rallies. He has no plan beyond is own self-satisfaction in the moment. Will he run in 2024? If he's under indictment in Georgia or New York (or by the DOJ), probably not. He may even be facing criminal trial at that point, or fighting appeals of convictions. 2024 is a long way off, and Trump's appeal is to a diminishing base that, if it doesn't save him in 2022, the GOP is going to finally cut off like a gangrenous limb.
Or not, and it takes the entire party down. Either way, as a yellow-dog Democrat, I'm fine with that. On the horizon, McConnell's filibuster of the debt ceiling increase and continued funding of the government (a/k/a the "government shutdown") may convince even Sens. Sinema and Manchin that the filibuster has to go. If the GOP is willing to use it to trifle with the full faith and credit of the United States (and they'd surely filibuster removing the debt ceiling as a thing they have to deal with at all), even those cloth-headed clowns would have to realize they can have their precious Senate traditions, or they can wreck the U.S. economy. Something their corporate sponsors and grass-roots voters would agree was not at all a good thing.
Future's so bright I gotta wear shades!
Trampling The Constitution And The Law In The Name Of Democracy
Migrants arrested by Texas in border crackdown are being imprisoned for weeks without legal help or formal charges https://t.co/6MMZvinj3N
— Texas Tribune (@TexasTribune) September 27, 2021
Meanwhile, the latest “crisis” on the border is still over. And our Governor’s solution is lawlessness, in the name of the law. Have I mentioned he was a Texas Supreme Court justice? And before that the Texas AG? And the odds of him being disbarred for trampling the laws and Constitution are zip and none? As are the odds of him even losing re-election?Hundreds of migrants arrested under Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s “catch and jail” border security push have been sitting in prison for weeks with no charges filed against them, and dozens were imprisoned for more than a month without being appointed lawyers.
Most of the men are Latino and many don’t speak English. Arrested on the border and dropped in prisons hundreds of miles away, they’ve spent weeks or months with little to no legal help, few opportunities to talk to their families and often fewer chances to find out what is happening to them or how long they will be imprisoned.
Citing the widespread violations of state laws and constitutional due process rights that have mushroomed as local justice systems remain overwhelmed by the volume of arrests, defense attorneys and immigrant advocacy groups are asking courts to release the men.
Comes Earlier And Earlier Every Year
Or, if it’s on Twitter, it must be true.BEWARE: As Halloween gets closer, @BensalemPolice are warning parents to LOOK at your child’s candy before they eat it. They confiscated these snacks that look a lot like the real thing. All are laced with THC @6abc pic.twitter.com/u6GFBXt08g
— Jaclyn Lee (@JaclynLeeTV) September 28, 2021
1) This story is not on the @BensalemPolice Twitter feed.
— feste "deadnaming is hate speech" (@feste) September 28, 2021
2) As these edibles are legal in surrounding states, but not in Pennsylvania, I'll believe that police have confiscated them, BUT:
3) I still refuse to believe that _anyone_ is giving these expensive edibles to kids.
They aren’t “laced” and they aren’t fake candy to trick your kids. Those are edibles. They’re legal in most places. They’re for grown-ups.
— Chris M (@ChrisM_SF) September 28, 2021
And nobody gives their weed away & even if your kid ate a handful, they’d just space out and fall asleep. Can’t hurt them.
Stop panicking.
I’m just surprised I didn’t see this on “Best of NextDoor.” Maybe it’s still too early.https://t.co/NxPlZx4sZ1https://t.co/vdzxTSmrOp
— PurplePrincess B.S. TeamHazelnut (@leelu5the) September 28, 2021
Hallowe'en is the gateway drug to diabetes, anyway.Statistics and also exact locations of where a stranger will give me $100 in edibles for free
— Patrick (@pthish2016) September 28, 2021
Well, Small Town Texas
If this had happened in Harris County (Houston, basically), I think the driver would be out on bail by now, at least. This happened in Waller County, where, as the article notes, they consider Houston bicyclists "a menace."I mean, if you have to run over six cyclists, being a white teen boy in a truck in Texas is the way to do ithttps://t.co/owJoYLpeDa
— AllAloneInTheMoonHat (@Popehat) September 28, 2021
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
There's A Sucker Born Every Minute
So Gohmert v Pence was the vehicle Powell apparently thought would get her to the Supremes. That’s a far cry from saying Alito was going to stop the Congressional proceedings. (The idea that a lone justice, especially Alito, would do that is separately but equally ludicrous. As it stands, Alito didn't. He referred the case to the full court, which said: "Uh, no.")Not that we needed any further proof that *no one* should listen to anything Powell says, but her portrayal of how the litigation at #SCOTUS was unfolding (and who decided to resume the Joint Session on January 6) is belied by every possible piece of actual evidence that exists.
— Steve Vladeck (@steve_vladeck) September 27, 2021
In this day and age, "fundraising" is always the first explanation you should reach for. Trump may affect our electoral processes across the nation (I remain to be convinced on that. Too much of the "analysis" of that is based on "everybody knows" because it's the topic du jour and not coincidentally lighting up Twitter at the moment of greatest demand that we TAKE THIS SERIOIUSLY! Because, after all, "everybody" on Twitter is. Well, at the moment. Pardon me if I'm a bit more circumspect, despite the authority of those setting their hair on fire.), but his deeper effect is setting the grift in motion.Sidney Powell's theory here is nonsense. No serious court-watcher thought Justice Alito would issue an order on Jan 6 halting Biden's win. I don't understand why people who know Powell is an unreliable conspiracy theorist are hyping this latest fundraising ploy from her. pic.twitter.com/0MhaDJyjNh
— Jan Wolfe (@JanNWolfe) September 27, 2021
I mean, I agree. But I'm not sure being a "pathologically-lying sociopath," as much as it discredits the profession, is grounds at trial (that's what it takes in Texas) to disbar a lawyer. Bad accounting of what you did with the client's money (i.e., breach of fiduciary duty), yeah: removal instanter. Wandering the world babbling dangerous nonsense and piling up sanctions like parking tickets? Eh, maybe not so much."I don't understand why people who know Powell is an unreliable conspiracy theorist are hyping this latest fundraising ploy from her."
— riwoche རི་བོ་ཆེ་ (@riwoche) September 27, 2021
Nor does seemingly anyone understand how this pathologically-lying sociopath is still able to practice law https://t.co/saNG7ChKHc
Truth Is Mutable
And non-white people are harassing white people!Mass. police union claimed 'dozens' of resignations over vaccine mandate – but only one trooper has quit https://t.co/eCTNkSVLvb
— Raw Story (@RawStory) September 28, 2021
And look at what an illiterate boob can accomplish!Raging white man allegedly punches Asian woman in the face – then claims being filmed is harassment https://t.co/FVK2RLCnCp
— Raw Story (@RawStory) September 28, 2021
(I know he has an Ivy League degree. That doesn't mean he's educated.)Ivy Leaguer DeSantis mocks ‘deep in debt’ college grads for not becoming truck drivers: ‘The joke’s on’ them https://t.co/haDDmksgGr
— Raw Story (@RawStory) September 28, 2021
Social Media Tyranny -NOW WITH UPDATES!
(Satirical)Hospitals have reported that over 95% of COVID victims in their ICUs are unvaccinated. But Twitter user @heluv3879888 has his doubts.
— New York Times Pitchbot (@DougJBalloon) September 28, 2021
(Not Satirical)@Popehat
— Vaxxed and Masked (@JuneauCurmudge1) September 28, 2021
Tesla Sues For Defamation Over Social Media Posts https://t.co/t2vgQAgsPD
(Frightening)That doesn't disprove my tweet, but simply that their messaging has worked. The anti-mandate IvermectinTrain runs on its own now. 🤷🏻♂️
— Dennis Herring (@dcherring) September 27, 2021
(Pockets full of what? And from whom?)I would like to commend this woman to the producers of every true crime TV series. Just start a file marked, “Just a matter of time.” https://t.co/bTQscVfwDw
— Charles P. Pierce (@CharlesPPierce) September 28, 2021
(Presumed sardonic, and presumed serious. We report, you decide.)Best parody account on Twitter. https://t.co/rFtZaMeGlU
— Frank Luntz (@FrankLuntz) September 28, 2021
Monday, September 27, 2021
For Those Of You Keeping Count
This “audit” was announced late Thursday night of last week. Friday morning, the day after, nobody knew what was going on. Not the SOS, not any one of the four counties where the audit is supposed to occur.Greg Abbott shredded by Texas judge for giving Trump his voter fraud 'audit': 'He caved in minutes!'https://t.co/oJ40mK6hE4
— Raw Story (@RawStory) September 27, 2021
Another Shining Example of Texas Public School Education
I know we pronounce the two words the same way, but when I was in 7th grade learning grammar was much more important than learning cursive (which we did in the 4th grade, IIRC. Or was it 3rd? Either way I gave it up in high school when my English teacher asked me to resubmit a hand-written essay (these were the days when typewriters were exotic office equipment) in block print rather than cursive, because she couldn't read it. She wasn't wrong.).The constitution, famous for only being printed and published in cursive pic.twitter.com/Ei0BymgiDM
— Right Wing Cope (@RightWingCope) September 27, 2021
Oh What A Tangled Web We Weave…”
Rep. Liz Cheney says disinformation about the 2020 election – despite the recounts and rulings that confirm the election’s legitimacy – contributes “to the undermining of our system. And it's a really serious and dangerous moment because of that.” https://t.co/HEEF66y64k
— 60 Minutes (@60Minutes) September 26, 2021
I’d have thought Cheney would be better at this.Cheney addresses what she sees as the difference between supporting Trump pre and post Jan 6: https://t.co/6pkNP8Wv0o
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) September 27, 2021
Credit Where Credit Is Due; or Blame, On The Same Basis
What I appreciate here is Dan Balz putting the blame where it lies..@danbalz on the “but our voters want it” defense >
— Jonathan Martin (@jmartNYT) September 26, 2021
“Those doubts exist largely bc he has told the falsehood over and over,others around him have done the same,and many others in the party have not stood up to him, preferring to look the other way https://t.co/wLEw7haseI
Dan Balz is not suddenly my hero, but holy shit how hard is this? The problem here is the GOP, from McConnell to the primary voter in Bumfuck, Egypt. Plain and goddamned simple. If the republic is in such serious danger (and I still maintain it is not) the solution is to hold those in power and postitions of responsibility, responsible! The GOP is, by law in every state in the country, a major political party (the laws clear the way for GOP/Democratic candidates to get on state ballots (and they are ALL state ballots), and much harder for "third-party" candidates to do so. They aren't literally the legal parties of the country, but in effect: yes, they are.) As such it has responsibilities to the form of government we operate under. Then again, the GOP has been abrogating those responsiblities since at least the days of Gingrich on the back bench of the House, and now it includes several time-wasters and space fillers in the Congress including, but not limited to: MTG; Boebert; Madison Cawthorn; and Ted Cruz. At least Cruz is on some Senate committees. MTG wanders the steps of the Capitol looking for reasons to make a viral video, Cawthorn gets attention by accident, and Boebert's major contribution to the state of Colorado has been paying herself from campaign funds. They aren't even McConnell, trying to stop government from functioning effectively. They're just drawing a paycheck for a job that includes not having a boss to answer to. And what is Kevin McCarthy doing about it? Bupkis.“We are in the middle of monumental events in this country... Anybody who looks and sees anything other than danger at this moment I believe is naive and it's time to wake up in this country,” @SteveSchmidtSES tells @CapehartJ on the #SundayShow pic.twitter.com/JO5KQiXI0o
— The Sunday Show with Jonathan Capehart (@TheSundayShow) September 26, 2021
Outrage Meter Retired
Rick Wilson is absolutely right, but aren't I supposed to be afraid for the republic's future because someone on Twitter tweeted this?There’s a much better chance of you landing in a mental institution than any of the revanchist fantasies you just listed coming to fruition. https://t.co/SbIBYLKxBE
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) September 26, 2021
My advice would be: Never argue with a fool. The outcome is seldom what you expect it to be, and it just raises the recognition of the fool beyond deserving. Kinda like this:Seems sane. https://t.co/aSvUoSvdGT
— Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson) September 26, 2021
Yes, there really are such people in the world. The biggest problem they are creating right now is crowding ICU's across the country and driving nurses and healthcare workers to quit the profession in droves. THAT is a serious problem. This clown-show blather about an "audit" (it wasn't) in Arizona that proved anything (it didn't, except that the election is long over) is NOT a serious problem. The problem arises from the people who think the chief Bozo must be taken seriously, because reasons. Which reasons all come down to clickbait, mostly.War is peace.
— Brian Klaas (@brianklaas) September 26, 2021
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.
—Orwell, 1984 https://t.co/1FerDMwvAq
Thus modern man is in danger of forgetting two things: first, that his plans and undertakings should be guided not by his own desires for happiness and security, usefulness and profit, but rather by obedient response to the challenge of goodness, truth and love, by obedience to the commandment of God which man forgets in his selfishness and presumption; and, secondly, that it is an illusion to suppose that real security can be gained by men [sic] organizing their own personal and community life. p. 39.There are encounters and destinies which man cannot master. He cannot secure endurance for his works. His life is fleeting and its end is death. History goes on and pulls down all the towers of Babel again and again. There is no real, definitive security, and it is precisely this illusion to which men are prone to succumb in their yearning for security. pp. 39-40.It is the word of God which calls man away from his selfishness and from the illusory security which he has built up for himself. It calls him to God, who is beyond the world and beyond scientific thinking. At the same time, it calls man to his true self. For the self of man, his inner life, his personal existence is also beyond the visible world and beyond rational thinking. The Word of God addresses man in his personal existence and thereby it gives him freedom from the world and from the sorrow and anxiety which overwhelm him when he forgets the beyond.....To believe in the Word of God means to abandon all merely human security and thus to overcome the despair which arises from the attempt to find security, an attempt which is always in vain. p. 40.
Sad, sad, Donald Trump.
— Raw Story (@RawStory) September 27, 2021
CNN's Jim @Acosta says Trump's 'big lie' has turned into 'the big cry' as he whines about losing in rallies https://t.co/RlsrcukgbW
Asking For A Friend
— Bad COVID-19 Takes (@BadCOVID19Takes) September 27, 2021
Which one of these am I supposed to be afraid of? Which one represents a dire threat to the republic?Man, Calvinism sure did a number on this country. pic.twitter.com/GsUyRX0eNQ
— Jeffrey Vagle (@jvagle) September 27, 2021
Sunday, September 26, 2021
VERY Slow Sunday Afternoon
A) it's not the Freedom of Information Act (that only applies to the feds), it's an Open Records request that needs to be filed (that's the law that applies to state agencies in Texas.)#TexasAM fan wants to file a Freedom of Information Act request to find out why they got screwed. #GigEm pic.twitter.com/jYbdNShwRp
— Message Board Geniuses (@BoardGeniuses) September 26, 2021
Sidney Powell suggests Jan. 6 attack was designed to give Supreme Court time to stop Biden's win https://t.co/5vY45z3nHu
— Raw Story (@RawStory) September 26, 2021
Powell said that while then-President Donald Trump was inciting a riot at the Capitol, her team was filing a "12th Amendment constitutional challenge to the process the Congress was about to use."
"Justice Alito was our circuit justice for that," she recalled. "And we were suing the vice president to follow the 12th Amendment as opposed to the Electoral College Act."
Powell alleged that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi learned of the lawsuit and rushed to have Congress certify the election despite the ongoing attack on the U.S. Capitol.
"Everything broke loose and she really had to speed up reconvening Congress to get the vote going before Justice Alito might have issued an injunction to stop it all, which is what should have happened," the attorney said.
I have no idea what her legal theory was, but I looked up arguments about the constitutionality of the EVCA, and they center on the statute giving Congress a bigger role in the constitutionally mandated joint session than the constitution does.
The constitutional analysis of the Electoral Vote Count Act is:
In this essay, and in light of the controversy that arose in the wake of the 2020 presidential election, we explain the constitutional process for counting electoral votes. In short, every four years, the Twelfth Amendment requires the President of the Senate (usually the Vice President of the United States) to open certificates provided by state presidential electors and count the votes contained therein. The Constitution allows no role for Congress in this process, and thus, the provisions of the Electoral Count Act purporting to grant Congress the power, by concurrent resolution, to reject a state's electoral votes, is unconstitutional. Further, the objections raised to two states' electoral votes on January 6, 2021, were not proper within the terms of the Act, and therefore, even if Congress has the power specified in the Act, congressional action rejecting states' electoral votes would have been contrary to law. While state executive or state judicially-ordered departures from the requirements of state election laws in presidential elections might violate the federal Constitution's requirement that electors be chosen as specified by state legislatures, determining whether this has taken place is much more complicated than simply examining the language of state election statutes. We suggest that making this determination requires a careful examination of state interpretation traditions that we decline to undertake in this brief essay on the constitutional process for counting electoral votes.
I will not say if these things are right or wrong. It's an argument, nothing more. But the argument is that Congress can't raise objections to slates of electors, and certainly can't reject the state's electors. The argument is that Congress, like the Vice-President sitting as President of the Senate, has only a ministerial role.
Now, on Jan. 6th, the states electors were regularly presented through the results of the vote of the electoral college. The Trump strategy was to challenge enough electoral votes to lower the threshold until Trump had more electoral votes than Biden, and a majority of those accepted by Congress, and so Pence would declare him the victor, I have no idea what Sidney Powell's legal argument was going to be to the Supreme Court (if she even had one), but the outcome could only have been that Congress act as ministerially as Pence, and accept the results of the electoral college vote.
And Biden wins.
That she doesn't understand that calls into question whether she even had a claim ready to file with the Supreme Court in the first place (and why they would have original jurisdiction is the real question). It also calls into question her competence as a lawyer (again).
Here's the relevant language of the 12th Amendment:
The electors shall meet in their respective states and vote by ballot for President and Vice-President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes for each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of the government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;--The President of the Senate shall, in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;--the person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall be the President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of electors appointed;
Take away the EVCA (which allows for objections in the joint session) and the entire proceeding is pro forma: the President of the Senate "shall," which is as determinative as the law gets; no wiggle room like "may" there; "in the presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted;" there's "shall" again; and "the person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall" (a third time!) "be the President."
EOD. QED. If the Supremes ever declared the EVCA unconstitutional, how does that help Powell's purported client, the ex-POTUS Donald Trump?
OMG is this woman stupid.
But Trump Controls The GOP!
All the kewl kids say so!The texts I’m getting from Republican officials: “What a shit show.” “We have reached a new low.” “I am just so mad — beyond words.” Then there’s this from a former GOP legislator: #gapol https://t.co/QwLPAiuVkj
— Greg Bluestein (@bluestein) September 26, 2021
What a gift to the RGA https://t.co/CKMG92MaCK
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) September 26, 2021
When do we get the "Trump was never really a Republican" stories? Will even accept “Republicans in disarray.” Or at least powerless. McConnell toothlessly demanding the Democrats increase the debt ceiling without GOP help (he won’t allow a national default) is Exhibit “A” that the GOP is now completely in exile.Did not have Trump semi endorsing Abrams on my bingo card. https://t.co/e1BT4JOnA6
— Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) September 26, 2021
The Only Moral Authority
When I ask why anyone pays attention to this clown, I don't mean we should ignore him, at our peril or otherwise. I mean: "Why does anyone give him any serious attention?" I don't care how many people come to his "rallies," I don't care how many people tell pollsters they support Trump: it is all meaningless unless we give it meaning. The obverse of "the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled is making everyone believe he doesn’t exist" (a ridiculous statement that only sounds clever; pace C.S. Lewis) is "the greatest trick the Devil ever pulled was convincing people to see him in every shadow." And we are letting Trump cast such a long, long shadow.This speech is a real indictment of the entire strategy employed by the Facebook public policy team
— Dan Pfeiffer (@danpfeiffer) September 26, 2021
Years of twisting themselves into a pretzel to appease Trump only to have him through Zuck into imaginary Gitmo https://t.co/NHTDyC86Hz
That's the latest; that Obama didn’t win re-election over Romney, because the vote counts can’t be trusted if Trump doesn’t like them. Yes: pay attention to that: if Trump doesn’t like them. Trump’s a terrible conman: he fools himself more than he fools others. He’s not even in on the con: he believes the con. He lives the con. Well, the rest of us don’t have to.Trump launches fresh attack on the legitimacy of the Obama administration at Georgia rally #TrumpRally https://t.co/Eouxm3ya3U
— Raw Story (@RawStory) September 26, 2021
The Arizona vote count must be "decertified"? How does that even happen, except in his fevered imagination? This “the republic only.stands if we all agree it stands” nonsense is the pernicious lie, not Trump’s idiotic rantings. It’s as if our government(s) only exist because we all say they do, and the moment we stop, the emperor is naked (or non-existent), and the bubble of this democratic republic bursts. There is a strong part of our society which is based on agreement, not just coercion. We don’t need a policeman in every house to keep us all from becoming anarchists and to prevent rising chaos. But we do have a strong system of laws which, as I keep saying, batted away the stupid attacks on the election Trump tried to use. It has even punished the lawyers who went to court promoting it."It is clear that in Arizona they must decertify the election" -- Trump one day after the Arizona "audit" affirmed Biden's victory pic.twitter.com/oHtMJhc7U1
— Aaron Rupar (@atrupar) September 26, 2021
Republicans In Disarray?
Anybody? Anybody?The texts I’m getting from Republican officials: “What a shit show.” “We have reached a new low.” “I am just so mad — beyond words.” Then there’s this from a former GOP legislator: #gapol https://t.co/QwLPAiuVkj
— Greg Bluestein (@bluestein) September 26, 2021
Only In America
The King children know that their father anticipated many of the same issues called out by CRT … and that work made many people denounce him divisive and made him quite unpopular.Context:
He had a 75 percent disapproval rating the year he died. https://t.co/nCutwZOI9r— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) September 26, 2021
White man whitesplains racism in America to children of American icon slain for his work exposing and challenging racism in America.Yes, most children are lucky that their parents were born before them, that’s a great point. https://t.co/uaLAmTLY8X
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) September 26, 2021
And I Want A ‘64 MGB In My Driveway
Which one of us has any hope of getting what we want?.@RepGosar is a moron. https://t.co/62Vwwd7ciY
— The Lincoln Project (@ProjectLincoln) September 25, 2021
Trump Is A Pakled
QED.Trump gushes about Marjorie Taylor Greene: 'She's really, really smart!'#TrumpRally #SaveAmerica #TrumpIsALaughingStock (4/5)https://t.co/GwVftKlYrd
— Raw Story (@RawStory) September 26, 2021