Saturday, April 23, 2022

Just A Reminder....

This was approved by the pilot of that plane (not a Delta flight, to be fair) The stupidly intrusive has always been with us, and always will be. I find the second case more offensive, because I grew up around that shit and felt like a captive audience once too often in my childhood.  Put me on a plane with it, and I'm likely to do violence.  Seriously.  My tolerance for it is very low, when I can't walk away from it.  Maybe it has to do with my sense of identity. 🤨

My analysis is their sense of identity is too dependent on those around them, and they must make as many of those others match their own sense of identity as possible. Because any people with a wholly different identity around them (say, Hasidic Jews, who would be readily apparenty by their dress as "not Christian," for example) challenges their identity and they must either make that identity mirror theirs, or they must dispense with it as irrelevant and even improper.

People want to be surrounded by people of like mind.  Call it tribalism, call it nationalism, partisanship; sociology has a whole category of category terms for it.  Context, vocabulary, definitions; pick your poison.  "Birds of a feather flock together" is the nice way of explaining it; everybody wants to be around people just like them, for psychic protection, is, I think, a bit more accurate.

Same old same old.  It is a wonder tall trees ain't layin' down.

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