Thursday, December 29, 2022

Gifts That Keep On Giving

So this happened today:
The document requests covered a series of subjects, from the withdrawal from Afghanistan to the Hunter Biden investigation. The attorney, Richard Sauber, separately informed Republican representatives James Comer from Kentucky and Jim Jordan from Ohio via two letters that their requests do not hold validity since the Republicans currently do not control the Congressional oversight process. 
Both Comer and Jordan are front runners to control leading oversight committee positions starting in January, but Sauber let the duo know that they had to wait until then to submit and complete their document requests from the newly Republican-controlled Congress, not as individual requests. Comer and Jordan have publicly stated that a denial of their individual requests would resort in legal actions.
Narrator: "Sure they will."

But the pertinent question is: “Can they count to five?
Even as Republicans say they'll move forward as planned, committee investigations will already be hobbled due to the party's speakership fight. McCarthy has delayed elections for contested committee chairs until after the chamber selects who will wield the gavel, preventing some panels from making key decisions on targets and staffing, and the rules of the House dictate no committees can hold hearings or call witnesses until after the speaker is decided.
Those unappointed committee chairs say they’ve worked all this out with McCarthy already. Until McCarthy gets five more votes, that don’t mean jack shit.


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