Wednesday, March 29, 2023


Surprise! The Manhattan grand jury has other cases to hear, and isn’t being conducted for the convenience of Twitter!

Per the article, the GJ is meeting Thursday to hear evidence on another case.  It’s considering another case next Monday and Wednesday, then off Thursday for Passover. The two weeks after that are a hiatus set by the GJ schedule when it was convened in January.

This is not setting well with Twitter. Replies to the tweet above are uniformly whingy about how inconvenient this is for each and everyone of them who want to see Trump in a perp walk or even an orange jumpsuit. None of them stop to think they feel entitled to this by now and think it’s taking TOO LONG! because Trump told them he’d be arrested last week.

Dance, monkey! Dance!

1 comment:

  1. Bragg is a coward, Garland is dragging his feet, and Smith's mom wears combat boots to church.
