Saturday, August 31, 2024

Now Do "Politifact"

As more publications followed suit, the Arlington stories suffered a dreadful fate: they all started to sound the same. News outlets ended up with articles bogged down in parsing federal law, carefully defining what exactly counts as an altercation, and quoting milquetoast official statements like “There was an incident and a report was filed.” 

Lumped together, the reporting this week left readers and listeners, especially those with no knowledge of the military, at a loss to understand what actually happened—and, crucially, why it mattered so much. The Trump campaign team had successfully muddied the waters by alleging that the photographer had been invited to the event by family members of soldiers buried there. 
But as any veteran knows in their bones, the solemnity of the ceremony is exactly why the unauthorized photographer had no business being there—regardless of who invited them. Section 60, the part of the cemetery where the incident occurred, is one of the most sacred places for this generation of troops. It is where those who were killed in Iraq and Afghanistan are buried. Those graves are visited not by tourists looking for historical figures, but by mothers and fathers visiting their fallen son or daughter. In Section 60, wounds are still raw. Political activity there is never appropriate, and under the law, only cemetery staffers and approved photographers are permitted to film or take pictures there. 

Readers needed to know that, when you visit Arlington, you might not know exactly what you’re supposed to do when confronted by those rows of headstones, but you damn sure know what you’re not supposed to do. But the coverage this week left many readers with the impression that the whole thing might have been a bureaucratic mix-up, or some tedious violation of protocol. It focused on bland horse-race coverage so common during election season, rather than clearly stating what really took place: an egregious and willful violation of long-standing norms. What was missing from the coverage was a willingness to quickly and decisively state what a grievous insult the whole debacle was to the dignity of Arlington. The sacred had been profaned. 

As I wrote recently for CJR, newsrooms have been losing reporters with military experience. Some editors believe that without American troops involved in major wars, there’s less need for journalists on staff who are veterans. But episodes like what took place this week at Arlington show how important it is to have reporters and editors who can cut through political noise and jargon to explain the true importance of an event involving the military.

So, journalists are idiots who can't write intelligently about anything they don't have personal experience with?  And we are supposed to trust these people as the "Fourth Estate" over bloggers and tweeters and talking heads on cable because.... "objectivity"?  I mean, I know from personal experience that reporting on legal cases, unless done by actual lawyers (which applies only to major national news stories by some reporters, but hardly all, and certainly no one below the national network level), is pure crap driveled out by boobs as ignorant and credulous as the average MAGAt.  But CJR is telling me that's what's to be expected because we haven't been engaged in a major military conflict like WWII since...WWII?


Pretty sure you don't have to have been in the military to understand that.


"I'm going to be voting that we leave more than 6 weeks." Is it really flip-flopping if he's too stupid to know what the vote is about, and how it works? I remember that 5 rounds of bare knuckle boxing. It was brutal. Blood everywhere. Orban is smart! He makes things go!


🤦🏻‍♂️ I hope they remove all the ketchup from MAL when they tell him about the 11th Circuit's decision. I'm sure he had other things on his mind. He really can't imagine anyone who isn't him. Somebody tell him we have immigrants coming from Antarctica, Moronica, and Freedonia, and see what happens. Or is it because your ear miraculously shows absolutely no damage?  Or is it that Trump happened, and now God believes in Trump!


Anything to avoid talking honestly about Trump... 🙄 🤷🏻‍♂️ Not a sentiment I necessarily share, but whatever gets you to the light.  😇 😈 To be fair, a lot of people left Germany in the 19th century to evade the draft (and the wars of Germany). Many of them resented coming here to be faced with enlisting for the Civil War. And a few generations later the KKK was rousting their descendants out of German speaking churches for worshipping in German. Don't get me started....🤬 🥸


Trump said he'd vote for it. Then his campaign said he'd vote against it. There are his principles. If you don't like them, he has others.

SO WAY WE ALL! (English Teachers, I Mean)

(I just noticed Trump saying it's the most brilliant thing he's ever seen. I'm sure English professors praise that use of pronouns, too.) Education is not the solution to all problems. Some will always expect the dictator to dictate to thee, but not to me! And that's all it takes; sort of like good men doing nothing when something needs to be done. Heh. And by the way, Trump is never, ever, EVER!, responsible. Just what you want in a leader.

How Bad? So Bad...

How bad? So bad, Politico scrubbed it. Not that the CNN interview wasn't terrible. The question about Harris' race was a high school lunch table question: "Donald said you weren't black! Did you hear that?" It was gossip, pure and undistilled. Harris handled it with such aplomb the issue disappeared, same way it would at the high school lunch table. But will the press gossip report on this? Or this? I'm sure they want to ask Kamala about this: This will pass unnoticed: As well as this: Or even this: Somebody needs to ask Biden about this, I'm sure: The press won't report on it, because they'll fixate on this: It's about the press, after all. Trump has weevils in his brain. It's the only explanation. But that's not the Big Story today.

Simpler Answer

Trump wants to postpone all trial activity until after the election.  EOD. Waiting until January is a bit too far, and Trump's lawyers know it. Waiting until December, however, is just far enough. Remember, Vance is on the campaign trail pleading for sugar daddies: Trump has to now be thinking in terms of money. Court hearings cost $$$. Trump needs $$$ just to win. He can't spend everything everywhere all at once. He just wants everything to stop. As I understand the procedure here (and I don't, except from what I read), Trump needs that consent from one side or the other. Without it, nothing moves in his direction (state sovereignty is not so lightly overridden, especially in a case like this). Which means it's very likely the clerk rejected this motion as improperly filed, saving the judge the time and effort on a purely procedural matter.  Not unlike filing a petition without a certificate of service (legal terms of art here).  The clerk would be within his/her rights to bounce such a thing without bothering the judge.

This response, notably, comes from the campaign: Granted, the lawyers shouldn't comment at all. But what does the campaign know about the law? "Specific format" is not a legal term of art (and besides, they don't pay the lawyers to screw up such details). I suspect Trump pressured the lawyers to file without the consent they need (and can't get). That makes me suspect this effort is dead (and just another effort to delay until after the election. If Trump takes office, who's going to put him in jail? New York?).

Simpler answer?  "Follow the money."  Oh, and watch the donut, not the hole.

Friday, August 30, 2024

"Narcissism Risen To The Point of Sociopathy"

When told it was his campaign's Tiktok that posted the video, Trump replied, "I really don't know anything about it. All I do is I stood there and I said, 'if you'd like to have a picture, we can have a picture.'"

He's completely incapable of thinking he did anything wrong.

Good manners, Jane Austen observed, hold a society together. George Washington copied longhand in boyhood and preserved into adulthood a list of 110 “Rules of Civility & Decent Behavior”. Another general turned president, Dwight Eisenhower, cautioned in his Guildhall address after VE Day that “humility must always be the portion” of any man who receives acclaim earned by others’ sacrifices.

Donald Trump and his staff knew – and were reminded of – federal regulations specifically prohibiting the misconduct their campaign engaged in at Arlington’s section 60 this week. But the law aside, only a gross lack of manners, decency and humility could incline a person to film a fundraising appeal over the resting places of dead men and women who cannot decline to participate in the coarse spectacle. The photo of a grinning Trump giving a jaunty thumbs-up over these patriots’ graves is an indelible image of narcissism risen to the point of sociopathy.

He should be on trial for his crimes, rather than on the campaign trail.

Covering The Horse Race

What, you mean these kinds of questions weren't important to the question of who should be President? For the peanut gallery, that is a "horse race" question.  I'm no longer sorry I missed this interview. Talking about what Vance said about what Harris didn't say is fine, so far as it goes. Now maybe we could see some reporting on the Trump-Vance complete lack of policy proposals. Trump says he'll pay for everybody's IVF.  Trump doesn't say he'll make IVF uniformly legal in all 50 states.  So what the hell is Trump's policy on IVF?  IUI? Any other fertility treatment (none of them are cheap, few are covered by insurance). In humor veritas. NOT a horse race issue. Which may explain this: Although I think the simple explanation is NYT and WaPo want their Trump tax cuts, and Harris is promising to raise taxes on the rich (because, like banks, that's where the money is). I think there's something to that.


If you think you're act was civil disobedience, quit whining. If you think you are above the law and can violate it for a "higher purpose," with no consequences: welcome to reality. Then again, never apologize, never admit error. It's the MAGA way. Ever.

Just To Clarify

The judges accept this as "True." 🤷🏻‍♂️
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) called former President Donald Trump’s latest, vague campaign promise — that in vitro fertilization services will be paid for by the government or insurance companies under a second Trump presidency — “smoke and mirrors” on Friday, slamming him for the meaningless promise that she says distracts from the real threat: the possible criminalization of IVF treatments.

“Making vague promises about insurance coverage does not stop a single extremist judge or state legislature from banning IVF,” Warren said during a Friday morning press call hosted by Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign. “Making vague promises about insurance coverage does not stop a single one of the 131 Republicans in Congress from advancing their fetal personhood bill that would ban IVF.”

“Despite what Trump seems to think, American women are smart, and we aren’t falling for his gaslighting,” Warren added. “We know who Donald Trump is. We know the damage he has done, and we know the additional restrictions to access to IVF that lie ahead if Trump conceives the White House.”

Warren’s criticism came in response to an interview the former president gave Thursday in the battleground state of Michigan.

“We are going to be, under the Trump administration, we are going to be paying for that treatment,” Trump told NBC News before adding, “We’re going to be mandating that the insurance company pay.”

Asked to clarify whether the government or insurance companies would pay for IVF services, Trump reiterated that an option would be to have insurance companies pay for the fertility treatment “under a mandate, yes.”


“American women are not stupid, and we know the only guaranteed protection for IVF is a new national law, which Kamala Harris supports and Donald Trump opposes,” Warren said. 

“Trump’s record on IVF is clear. Check out the facts,” she later added. “Trump’s own platform effectively bans IVF. The Republican Speaker of the House and a majority of House Republicans have signed on to a federal bill to ban IVF nationwide. When a law to protect IVF nationwide was put up for a vote in the Senate, JD Vance voted against it. And four weeks later, Trump picked Vance to be his running mate.”
I have literally seen tweets assuming Trump supported IVF as legal and was proposing a federal law protecting it, because of this off the cuff announcement he made. Devil's in the details, people, and Trump never offers them. Then maybe it's just as well neither of you are in charge. This, OTOH, is very interesting:
Under the Compact, states that join would award their electoral votes to the candidate who wins the national popular vote rather than the candidate who wins the most votes in their state. For example, if Donald Trump gets the most votes in Montana (assuming it joined the compact) and Kamala Harris wins the national popular vote, the Treasure State, as it is known, would award its three electoral votes to the Democratic nominee. The Compact does not take effect until states totaling most electoral votes (270 as of 2024) have joined. Once that happens, it ensures the candidate who wins the national popular vote wins the Electoral College. 

Jurisdictions totaling 209 electoral votes have signed up. That’s 77.4 percent of the way to 270. And given the exceedingly narrow focus of presidential campaigns on a tiny fraction of the country, the change can’t come soon enough.  

Every four years, Americans endure an absurd method of selecting our president that is so counterintuitive and unappealing that no other country follows our model. Rather than electing our chief executive by popular vote—the way we choose virtually every other federal, state, and local elected official in the country—the Electoral College chooses our president. Americans still vote for their preferred candidate on the ballot, but the candidate with the most votes does not necessarily become president. The litany of problems caused by the Electoral College are obvious. 

Problems like:

Rather than give every voter equal weight, the Electoral College distorts the voting power of Americans based on where they live. The importance of votes in swing states like Wisconsin, Nevada, or Georgia is wildly enhanced, while the value of votes in safe states like Oklahoma or Vermont is artificially diminished. This is evident from how candidates spend their time. A map of campaign stops by Biden and Trump between August 28, 2020, and Election Day shows that 96 percent of the campaign visits the two made were in just 12 states.   

No wonder seven swing states dominate the discourse: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia, and North Carolina. The Trump and Harris campaigns will court these voters like they’re the prettiest girl at the dance. Their campaigns will not waste resources in safe states like Idaho or Maryland.

It's another vestige of slavery.  Although CJ Roberts declared the Year of Jubilee and gutted the VRA (because states' rights, ironically), we still need to jettison the Electoral College.  This Compact might be the way to do it (it would be doubly ironic if the Roberts Court declared it unconstitutional). 

Meanwhile, on the journalism front, even PBS is getting into the act (of noticing what the hell is going on):

(Margaret Hoover gave Justice Gorsuch a chance to trot out his '70's vintage rant about "regulations" with little to no analysis of how what he was saying was empty bullshit. His argument was "there's too much," the depth of intellectual insight Ronald Reagan was capable of. In a Supreme Court Justice, it was embarassingly inadequate. This is something in the way of redemption, IMHO.)

In closing:  "fact checking" is a brain disease.  It's apparenly contagious, transmitted by very bad reasoning from people who don't know any better.  If you contract it, seek help immediately.  It seems to work like a brain worm.
I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he thought this was funny.  It is dangerous to take something like this too seriously.  If he is serious, "plan" is carrying a lot of baggage there that it can't lift.  Especially since the premise is absolutely ludicrous ("illegal" immigrants are not driving up the cost of housing by moving into nice suburban neighborhoods and taking up all the available stock, anymore than they are "taking all the black jobs."  Nor are they swarming like locusts onto the grocery shelves.  I take it back.  I can't give Weigel the benefit of the doubt.  He needs to seek help.).

Trump Is A Stir-Fried Idiot

NBC News reporter Dasha Burns on her X feed highlighted video of Trump telling her that he would vote to support the ballot initiative. He said, according to Burns, that he thinks Florida’s ban on abortion after six weeks is too restrictive.

“I think the six-week is too short, there has to be more time,” Trump said.

“So you’ll vote in favor of the amendment?” Burns asked.

“I am going to be voting that we need more than six weeks,” Trump replied.

Florida’s ban on abortion after six weeks of pregnancy went into effect in May. The statewide referendum, called Amendment 4, would alter the state’s constitution to protect abortion until viability, in effect negating the six-week limitation on abortions that Gov. Ron DeSantis signed.

But shortly after Trump gave that answer during the Burns interview, his campaign released a prepared statement to Semafor attempting to walk it back.

“He has not yet said how he will vote on the ballot initiative in Florida, he simply reiterated that he believes six weeks is too short,” said Karoline Leavitt, the Trump campaign’s National Press Secretary.

Trump, the Republican nominee for President, has previously said he thought the abortion issue should be decided by states and supported the U.S. Supreme Court’s 6-3 vote in 2022 to overturn the landmark Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion in America.

Damage done, dude.
That's the mildest one I've seen. By the way, this is called "asking the right question": Trump said:

"I'm announcing today in a major statement that under the Trump administration, your government will pay for or your insurance company will be mandated to pay for all costs associated with IVF treatment, fertilization for women."

Trump did NOT say:  "I'm changing my policy/stance on IVF, or proposing federal law to make IVF legal in all states."  These are two different things.  Vance understood that; which is why he didn't answer the question.

Oh, by the way:


And while we're on the subject of Trump:
The guy is a chucklefuck, easily manipulated by an AI (and not very good at that) image. (Don't get me started on how "AI" is neither "artificial" nor even "intelligent.")

Biden Did It

It's alright. It was Biden's fault.
"We have a lot of people, you know, we have people – Tiktok people, you know, we're leading the internet. That was the other thing. We're so far above [Vice President Harris] on the internet," Trump told NBC News' Dasha Burns (video below) Thursday.

Continuing to try to distance himself, Trump claimed, "I don't know what the rules and regulations are. I don't know who did it," he added, referring to posting videos, including one published to Trump's own TikTok account.

"It could have been them. It could have been the [Gold Star] parents. It could have been somebody," Trump said.

When told it was his campaign's Tiktok that posted the video, Trump replied, "I really don't know anything about it. All I do is I stood there and I said, 'if you'd like to have a picture, we can have a picture.'"

But then Trump flipped, declaring the Biden administration was to blame for his campaign's photo-op fiasco.

"This was a setup by the people in the administration that, 'Oh, Trump is coming to Arlington, and that looks so bad for us."

The Administration doesn't have to do a damned thing to make Trump look bad. 

I forgot to add: Not holding my breath, either. (I'm an old man, I wouldn't last that long.)

But Trump Is Selling Trump Cutting Boards!

Not selling enough of 'em, huh? I guess that's why Trump held a rally in back of beyond Michigan: Cheaper than the Jersey Shore, I reckon. So far back of beyond it took him over an hour longer than it should have to get there. There are places like that in Texas. No idea why anyone would want to hold a rally there. Except $$$$. But Trump is a billionaire. Why is he begging for money?

This Is The Way

Rupar and Acyn provide video snippets.  But it takes a transcript to track the ramblings of this man's broken mind, to show the rat's nest he keeps between his ears:

In response to Gabbard’s question about IVF, Trump talked for nearly ten minutes, touching on Social Security; Michigan’s car industry; the so-called “fake news” media; the political views of his opponent Vice President Kamala Harris’ father and a shipbuilding contract in Marinette.

“I didn’t know about your situation, and it’s tough stuff, right?” Trump said. “Life is pretty tough. It can be beautiful, but it can be difficult. We are doing something with IVF, because IVF, as you know, for friends, people you know, it’s really worked out very well. For a lot of people, it gave them a child when they would not have had a child. And I told my people I wanted to look at this a couple of weeks ago.”

Trump then segued directly into a new topic before returning to the question about IVF: “And as you know, we have no taxes on a thing called tips. You know that? And I said, Tell me, we did three things. We did that, and we did no tax for seniors on Social Security benefits. We want to have that. And I’ve been seeing a lot of IVF, and I kept hearing that I’m against it, and I’m actually very much for it. In fact, in Alabama, where the judge ruled against it, and I countered the judge and came out with a very strong statement for it. And the Alabama [Legislature] they were amazing. The Legislature approved virtually my statement. I mean, full IVF, and it’s really gone — it’s terrific. And I said, so, with the tips and with the Social Security, no taxes on Social Security, I said, maybe for IVF, and I’ve been looking at it, and what we’re going to do is for people that are using IVF, which is fertilization, we are, government is going to pay for it, or we’re going to get or mandate your insurance company to pay for it, which is going to be great. We’re going to do that. Well, it’s big. And you know what? We want to produce babies in this country, right? We want to produce babies. So I think it’s going to be something we told we sort of announced it a little bit.”

Without taking a break, Trump then moved on to talk about the rally he had just attended: “We were in a great place, Michigan. We all love Michigan, right? We’re going to bring back the car industry, and we’re going to get a lot of it back to Michigan. They’ve been taking our cars away. They’ve been taking our manufacturing away over years, over decades. And if you look at it today, it’s a shell of what it was years ago, but we’re going to bring it back. Mexico is right now building massive car factories, actually being financed and built by China. They think all their cars back into our country — it’s not going to happen. That’s not going to happen. Oh, listen to that. That is not going to happen. But so much, so many things have gone wrong in the car industry. The union leadership has been horrible. I think I’m going to win by 85% the union but because we’re bringing back and we’re gonna have electric cars, but we’re gonna have gasoline powered cars, and we’re gonna have hybrids, we’re gonna have every kind of car. We’re not gonna go with just that. But I just felt that it would be a good place to announce it. And we did sort of the announcement there a little bit, and now we do the big announcement tonight in front of all of these television stations, all of the fake news, they’re all over the place. They’re all over the place. I don’t know what’s going on.”

Then Trump moved directly to his statement that he didn’t know about the town hall format in Wisconsin: “We don’t even know, I was saying because we’re doing this, and I finished, and I figured I was going to come here and we’re going to make a speech. I had a speech all set for you. I was ready. They said, ‘Sir, you’re actually doing a town hall.’ I said, ‘Oh, nobody told me that.’ I said, ‘Who’s doing it?’ They said, Tulsi. I said, ‘Well, that’s at least good news. She’s been, I’ve been a fan of hers for a long time after,’ so I’m in the plane and looking over some material, and we’re going to give you a hell of a speech tonight. We’re set to give you one hell of a speech. They said, ‘No sir, it’s a town hall.’ I said, ‘Why doesn’t somebody tell me this stuff?’ And I don’t even have any idea who we’re doing it for. I don’t know is it for a network or what? I see a lot of television all over the place, so maybe it’s on all of them.”

Trump then segued into a critique of the his opponent’s CNN interview, which was airing at the same time he was speaking, after it was taped earlier in the day: “But I did get to see the strangest thing today. I looked at the news conference of Kamala. I call her comrade, comrade, comrade Kamala. She’s a — you know that she’s a Marxist. Her father was a Marxist before her, so she was brought up in the family tradition, and she really is and this country is not ready for a Marxist. We don’t want a Marxist as a president.”

Harris’ parents divorced when she was 8 years old, and she was raised primarily by her mother.

“And she destroyed San Francisco,” Trump continued. “She destroyed California, and we’re not going to let her destroy our country. I’ll tell you it’s not going to happen. So, but just to finish, so, for some reason, she doesn’t want to talk to anybody, so she’s either not the smartest light in the ceiling — trying to be nice here. I want to be. They say, ‘Be nice.’ To be nice, you know, it’s hard to be nice when somebody is destroying your country and wants to destroy your country. It’s hard to be like, ‘Guys, but, but …’ she is. She was a terrible vice president. She was a terrible border czar, worst in history, probably not just in this country, but the border.”

Trump then moved directly to his talking points on the border. “You know, millions and millions of people, I say 20 million plus have poured through the border during their term. I had the safest border in the history of our country. They have the most unsafe border in the history of the world.”

Border crossings dropped markedly in July, to levels lower than during some periods in the Trump administration.

Trump also repeated false claims about other countries emptying their jails and mental institutions to send migrants to the U.S. “I don’t know if you saw the news today, Tulsi, they had a group of a lot of them, Venezuelan people with lots of machine guns taking over a building someplace. I’m looking, I’m saying, Where is that? They went in and they took over a building. This is just the beginning. They’re taking their criminals from all over the world, not just South America, not just Venezuela, which you’ve been reading about, all over the world. They’re taking their criminals and they’re dumping them into the United States, Kamala. That’s Kamala is allowing it to happen. And they actually want to actually, they want to give them papers, they want to make them citizens, and they want to give them your Social Security. They want to give them your Medicare, and your Social Security will collapse under her.”

Trump then segued to Social Security: “I’m the one that’s going to protect the Social Security, but they’re coming. I will tell you, as I did for four years, and there was no age increase, there was not anything they’re going to protect. You know, they destroy you with inflation, and then they want to destroy your Social Security … not going to happen. But this is going to be the most important election in the history of our country. So I just want to say that it’s an honor to be with you tonight. It’s a forum that’s very different, because I have no idea who the hell is broadcasting it, but all we’ll do is we’ll talk because we’re friends. I love this state. I gave them Marinette. We gave them a very big, you know, Tulsi, we have a ship contract. And as you know, we gave Marinette guards, but we gave them a tremendous contract. They wanted her all over the country. I said, we’re going to get it for Wisconsin, and it’s a big one, and they’re doing a great job, I understand. So we got that, and we’re going to have a good time tonight. So let’s go.”

Please note that is in answer to one question; about IVF.  That isn't a policy answer, that isn't a political answer, that isn't even in the ballpark of an answer to the question.  That is just word vomit, for ten minutes straight.  It's not really even possible to tell what the "triggers" are for what he says:

After Trump’s lengthy introductory remarks, a woman from Cameron said her son had just started trade school and that she was still an undecided voter but worried about the effect on the country of illegal immigration.

Trump opened his response by talking about how immigrants take “Black jobs.”

“The people that I’m talking about, they’re pouring in at levels never seen before,” he said. “They’re coming in by millions and millions, and a lot of them are taking the jobs for the Black population, the Hispanic population, and unions are going to be very badly affected.”

And on and on and on:

A student at UW-La Crosse asked about Trump’s plans to bring down inflation and help young people buy homes. Trump’s response touched on election conspiracies and said he was going to make America the “energy capital of the world.”

“I’m supposed to be nice when I talk about the election, because everybody’s afraid to talk about it. ‘Oh please sir, don’t talk about the election, please,’” he said. “You know, if you can’t, if you can’t talk about a bad election, you really don’t have a democracy, if you think about it, right? But what they did, Tulsi, is they took, they took the oil production. The oil started going crazy. That started the inflation. Then they went back. They said, go back to where Trump was. The problem is that we would have been three times that level right now. We would have been so dominant over Russia and Saudi Arabia. Look, Saudi Arabia, Russia, lot of oil. We would have had more. You know, we had something in Alaska, ANWR, that we, that I created. I mean, Ronald Reagan wanted it. You remember, Ronald Reagan wanted it. They all wanted it. And I got it approved. Nobody was able to get it approved. I got it approved. And they, the first week in office, they turned it back. They said, No, it’s the biggest site possibly in the world. Could be bigger than Saudi Arabia. Well, we’re going to start that up. We’re going to become the energy capital of the world. We’re going to pay down our debt, and we’re going to reduce your taxes still further, and your groceries are going to come tumbling down, and your interest rates are going to be tumbling down. And then you’re going to go out, you got to buy a beautiful house. OK, you got to buy a beautiful house. That’s called the American dream.”

Trump doesn't understand we are "the energy capital of the world."  We are net exporter of oil and we are currently setting the world price of oil.  The U.S.; not OPEC, not Saudi Arabia.  Us.  He's a blithering idiot, as should, by now, be obvious. He also doesn't understand anything about how he, as President, can affect home prices.

When asked about crime, Trump used the topic as a chance to tee off on Democratic vice presidential nominee Tim Walz, the governor of Minnesota.

“He is weird,” Trump said, referencing a common attack Walz has made against him. “I’m not. He’s a weird guy. He’s a weird dude. You know, see, they always have sound bites. And one of the things is that J.D. and I are weird. That guy is so straight, J.D. is, so he’s doing a great job, smart, top student, great guy, and he’s not weird. And I’m not weird. I mean, we’re a lot of things, we’re not weird, I will tell you. But that guy is weird. Don’t you think? You know he called, he signed for and this is — who would think that this is even happening in our country? — with men playing in women’s sports and all of this. But he has it. He has it at a level that nobody can believe a bill that every boy’s bathroom will have tampons. Hence his name, Tampon Tim.”

Trump then started falsely claiming that in Minnesota and other states run by Democrats, babies can be “executed” after they’re born.

“You sit the mother down and the father down, you sit them down, and you talk, and the baby is born, and you make a decision what to do,” he said. “He meant, do you execute the baby after birth? And according to what they have passed a legislation in Minnesota, they’re allowed to execute the baby after birth. And this guy is a participant, and that’s why she picked him, because she is, in fact, a Marxist slash communist. Remember, I’d say all the time, our country will never be socialists, right? We will not have a socialist. Well, I was right. We skipped socialism. We went to communism. This woman has to be stopped.”

When asked by Gabbard about foreign policy issues, Trump praised Viktor Orban, the far-right Hungarian prime minister.

“Viktor Orban, a very strong leader from Hungary, prime minister of Hungary. They asked him recently about what’s the problem in the world,” Trump said. “A few years ago, during my time, we had, no we didn’t have Israel being attacked. We didn’t have Russia attack in Ukraine. And they asked him, Why is it so bad now the Middle East is on fire? So many places are on fire, and there are plenty places that could very well and very quickly catch on. What’s the problem? He said, ‘You have to bring Trump back as President of the United States. You will have no problem. He single handedly kept things.’ And it’s true, and I could do it with telephone calls by being smart, but literally, he said you have to bring Trump back.” 

Trump praises Orban because Orban praises Trump.  That's all any dictator needs to know. Trump is that cheap, and that easy.

I know this isn't the complete transcript of this rambling, nonsensical "town hall," but it's not like it got better after that.  This man is a gibbering buffoon.  This article is as "objective" as any journalistic account can be, and it shows Trump to not only be buck nekkid, but not even an emperor, either.

Now, how hard was that?

Thursday, August 29, 2024

I Just Can't Anymore...

Yeah, that's the problem. I'd saying he's using "wind" in the old fashioned sense of body gasses and belching. But I'm very sure that's not what he means. The only criterion that matters. That'll suck in the handful of people in the country who turn to IVF as a last resort. And even then it's only a 50/50 chance of success. It's also fantastically expensive, which is either going to cost the government billions, or raise health insurance premiums exorbitantly. Hey, I don't make the rules. (The problem here is private health insurance, by the way.) The desperation is real. And yes, he just ran roughshod over the party platform. But he's running as fast as he can to get out in front of the people, so he can show leadership! Lc Civita says Trump is the REAL C in C, and La Civita says "FUCK THE ARMY!" How does that work, exactly? Meanwhile Trump releases a campaign video on Twitter shot at ANC, and denies he did any campaign videos from his visit to ANC. I guess it works like that, huh?

And: Palate cleansers: I have to give Charlie Pierce the last word:

The Joy Of Being JD Vance

On his way to Michigan, where he can be sure the crowd won't boo him. Or was this the joke? Vance is going to change his name again; to "Burns."

Drumbeats On The Potomac

At this point I'll be disappointed if Kamala doesn't manage to raise this incident in the debate.

I'm Old Enough To Remember...

...perennial third-party Presidential candidates like Lyndon LaRouche, who among other conspiracy theories alleged the Queen of England sat at the center of an international drug ring (maybe because of British opium trade in the 19th century?).  He was treated as a crank and disregarded quadrennially.

And now the GOP has Trump.
Yeah, why are they being interviewed together? You know, when Michael Flynn makes sense... Yeah, this is normal: Just rounding it out, for the peanut gallery and those in the back: The proper place for Trump in 2025 is a jail cell.