Tuesday, August 13, 2024

"Ah Jus' Cain't Quit You"

Trump was not happy today about how his "interview" yesterday was received.

Sidebar: this is not "evidence" sufficient to sustain any kind of electoral fraud claim in any court of law in the land:

"The NYT/Siena Poll has way over sampled Democrat voters, and way under sampled people who voted for me in 2020," Trump argued without evidence.

"The Fake News York Times insisted they do this so that it would look as bad as possible in comparison to their last poll, which was very good for me, way up, and made the very biased Times look 'stupid,' just like in 2016."

Maybe the criticism is because Trump still wants to run against Biden: Trump's rage includes Stuart Varney, apparently:
"There's a rising tide of criticism of Donald Trump from his own supporters and from some of his fellow Republicans," Varney said on Tuesday morning. "It reminds me of the quiet, low-voice criticisms of President Biden's cognitive ability before he was pushed out of his re-election campaign."

"Nobody went out in public to get him to withdraw until it was obvious he couldn't win," he continued.

Varney pointed to recent columns published by The Hill and The Wall Street Journal that said Trump was struggling to control his impulses.

"The article goes through a litany of problems," Varney said of The Hill's piece. "Trump goes off on tangents, like fighting over crowd size."

"He's attacked allies like Georgia Governor Brian Kemp," he noted. "In short, The Hill says he lacks discipline. He can't deliver a coherent message."

The Fox Business host observed that a Wall Street Journal columnist accused Trump of looking like a loser.

"By my calculation, about one-third of Mr. Trump's remarks fell into three categories: false, obtuse, or lunatic," Varney said, reading from the column.

However, Varney said the "most intense" criticism of Trump was about his "language and demeanor."

"He used foul language to describe Kamala Harris," he explained. "How on earth will he win the vital women's vote when he uses words they hate?"

And Trump refused to heed calls to "knock it off," Varney asserted.

"There's no way he could be removed from the ticket," he observed. "Trump could do the job of president, but can he win? There's a growing chorus saying, he won't win if he can't stay on message, can't focus on policy, and refuses to change his language on women."

"It's now an election he has to fight to win, and he's brought this on himself," the host concluded.
Poor Donnie. Nobody like's a loser, huh? 😈

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