Friday, August 16, 2024

From Up And Down, And Still Somehow....Media Apologists and Pollsters Get It Wrong.

"Both sides" complaining about you is a poor metric for how you're doing your job. Where are the George Clooneys of the GOP? Shorter version: how's that been working out for Trump this week? I'm still sincerely wondering how many people younger than yours truly actually know what a Commie is (or is supposed to be).  Outside of North Korea and maybe Cuba, I don't think there are any actually left in the wild. I mean, except for 70 year old Boomers, it's a pretty empty shibboleth. Nowhere else to put this, so I'll put it here.

Cathy Woolard wrote in her complaint to Gov. Brian Kemp she felt compelled — again — to express "grave concerns" about the conduct of three members on the board: Rick Jeffares, Janice Johnston and Janelle King."

"Since the appointment of Member King in May, these three members have made significant changes to the rules governing Georgia’s elections even though the election is just months away. They have also knowingly and willfully violated state law in pursuing those ends, and have repeatedly disregarded the advice of the Attorney General’s office, turning instead to outside parties for both legal counsel and the substance of proposed rules," she wrote.

Now, I'm in Texas, where AG Paxton would probably wish these three bozos Godspeed, even as the Texas courts would almost assuredly pour them out like water.  But when the Georgia AG is telling you the law in Georgia doesn't work that way, you can pretty much guarantee their attempt to refuse to certify election results will be as useless as appointing fake electors, only without the criminal consequences.  The duties at this level are pretty much ministerial.  Do it, or the court will do it for you.  So the panic that such tactics will ball up the election or even lead to a Trump victory, are about as sound as Nate Silver's polling predictions. 

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