Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Lies, Damned Lies, And Whatever It Is Trump Does

Meant to add this below, šŸ‘‡ but I didn't find it in time.  Trump has said this before, and again, it's not just unmoored from reality, it's at odds with it.  Is there no obligation to report that Trump is an insane fantasist?  He may have loopy ideas about Kamala Harris ("Communist!"  "Comrade Kamala." Actually, I love that one.  It means something about the shrinking portion of the population as old as I am.), which I accept as political rhetoric.  But this kind of thing?  It's up there with treating a fictional serial killer as if he were both real, deceased, and somehow honorable.

I'd be less surprised if he started talking about Gandalf and Frodo as historical figures.  But that would take a knowledge of popular fiction in the '60's (I don't think he's seen a movie older than those released in the early '80's), which is what would surprise me because he clearly doesn't have that.  Or any knowledge of literature, at all.

"Two Corinthians walk into a bar...."

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