Monday, August 05, 2024


Has Trump lost West Texas? I doubt it. But don’t underestimate the sentiment when someone sticks their head above the parapet. Trump may well be fundamentally doomed. I certainly think after two years of campaigning, ending in blatant racism and xenophobia and misogyny, he’s worn out his welcome.
Trump refused to debate in the primaries. Said he didn’t need to. Now he refuses to debate Harris. He told Bartiromo hours before he announced the “agreement’l with himself (Has FoxNews ever confirmed time, date, place, moderators?) that…he didn’t need to. “People already know who I am”

Yup. A coward.
Trump will never debate Harris. His last redoubt is to blame her for that. Pretty weenie! Is this a sign of bipartisanship? NYT Pitchbot wants to know! I’m old enough to remember when Republicans didn’t dare say this in public. Call it “blood in the water.” 🦈 

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