Monday, September 16, 2024

"A Little Louder For The People In The Back"

And as I said earlier: So...there was no "shooter."  Barely even an assassination attempt.  More like a concept of an attempt, you might say. There was a guy; with a gun; within 600 yards of Trump. "Florida," in other words. I expect this guy has talked freely to the FBI, giving them enough information to hange an "attempted" charge on. But the emphasis is still on "attempt."

Speaking of soft targets: Gee, I wonder why? Maybe because: Or could it be:
"At least 33 separate bomb threats," said DeWine at a news conference. "Each one of which has been responded to and each one of whom has been found as a hoax. So 33 threats, 33 hoaxes, I will make that very, very clear. None of these had any validity at all."

"I want to say to the parents in Springfield, these hoaxes of these, these threats have all been hoaxes, none of them have panned out," DeWine continued. "We have people unfortunately overseas who are taking these actions. Some of them are coming from one particular country. We think that this is you know, one more opportunity to mess with the United States and they're, they're continuing to do that."
I'm glad they were invalid threats. That doesn't excuse the reason the threats began in the first place. Inchoate terrorism is still terrorism.

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