Sunday, September 15, 2024

"Carry On With Your Sunday Afternoon"

 Will J.D. Vance say this is just a fact of life or is that only when school children, teachers and school staff are the ones who do get killed?

Good question: 

Of course, nobody actually shot at Trump: The first question is: "How'd a guy with an AK47 walk around so freely?" The answer: "FLORIDA!" In other words, somebody saw this guy wandering around with an AK47 and two backpacks, and thought:  "Carry on with your Sunday afternoon." I mean, it's not like it was a black kid cutting through a neighborhood in a hoodie.  Still, Ms. Vindman triggered MAGA. And some are concerned Trump will do again what he did before: Except he wasn't shot, and wasn't really ever in danger (it's Florida. People are allowed to walk around with dangerous firearms. It's only after they fire them that we grow concerned. 🀷🏻‍♂️)  The "shooter" wasn't a shooter.  He never fired a shot. Let me say again what happened: Florida. Man allegedly with gun ran like a scared rabbit, leaving behind gun, 2 backpacks, and a camera. Was caught within the hour. And all the rhetoric around violence still comes from Trump and Vance, who are happiest when the violence doesn't touch them. Or, as in this case, the violence is directed toward others. Again. Had Florida not been Florida, it might have seemed a bit more odd this guy was approaching the golf course at all. Especially since somebody saw him running (sans gun, backpacks, or camera) and took note of his car (probably the witness heard the gunshots from the SS agent). One assumes somebody saw him heading to the golf course, but thought nothing of it. I mean, it's Florida. Early reports from the NYPost said the golf course is in a bad neighborhood. One assumes a "bad neighborhood" in Florida is rife with rifles and guns.

Trump actually was shot, once (I'll admit I'm still highly skeptical about that, given he shows no signs of wounding).  He tried to play the victim from that.  It lasted about a week. How much "victim" mileage is he likely to get out of this?  Playing the victim is not in Trump's nature, except to complain that everything is "rigged" against him.  He has no other card to play, and wouldn't know how to play it if you handed it to him.  As actually happened.

Already MAGA is more interested in criticizing Rachel Vindman as a defense of Trump.  That won't last the rest of the night.

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