Monday, September 23, 2024

Perhaps Our Long National Nightmare Is Ending

Please don’t ask me how I know this 
But Kamala hit on it at the debate, although it was about foreign policy when she said that he is a danger cause of how easily influenced he is by flattery and then those flatterers who get close to him feed him bs info 
But for the last two years, he has been stewing inside cause he’ll never admit it, but it happened; someone did get to him and influenced his decision, and now it’s coming back to bite him, The Evangelicals.  
Trump, since the Kansas abortion vote, has been using the line “everyone wanted it {added back to states}” but NO, NOT EVERYONE. 
But for years, the Pence faction kept feeding him the idea that “Everyone” wanted it. He bought it mainly cause he’s an absolute illiterate imbecile. Hook. Line. Sinker. 
But he now knows he was taken for a fool. 
He was the mark. He knows it now but can’t admit it. 
Now he is really panicking about what we have seen since Kansas; it’s an atomic bomb-level mistake. He knows it. 
You see the threat to democracy- it’s real, but it’s esoteric. 
Roe made it personal. 
He is stewing for being taken as the mark. 
Anytime this issue comes up, watch his face turn to a level of frustration, not because he can’t talk his way out of it, he is telling us “I’m not the only one who fell for this, EVERYONE did.” 
Nope. You did. Cause Kamala is right. Anyone who flatters him, can get close to him, and then influence him. 
He finally looked around the table and saw, he’s the sucker. 
And it’s killing him.
Lagniappe: Trump got no ground game.


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