Friday, December 23, 2016

The cup runneth over....

Only for a grifter!

He does understand that resolution isn't coming back up anytime soon, right?

And now he's dead.  You would like, maybe, to kill his family, his friends, his neighbors, his countrymen all?

Do we have any hope this vile stream of dangerous nonsense will stop on January 20, 2017?

1 comment:

  1. Trump: "When will the U.S., and all countries, fight back?"

    He's got a point. When will we fight back against terrorism and invade sponsor countries like Afghanistan? Or non-sponsor countries like Iraq? When will we bomb Libya, arm rebels in Syria, sanction Iran, give Israel $200 billion in aid and weapons, or supply Saudi Arabia with arms to fight Yemeni militants? When, oh when, will we finally spend trillions of dollars of non-budgeted money to do this?

    Maybe we will finally fight back against terrorism when we have a self-described "non-interventionist" in the White House who wants to massively expand the military and nuclear capability of this country so he'll never have to use it...or something....
