Monday, August 05, 2019

Hostage Crisis

The teleprompter made him do it!

So, the President once again read a ransom note before the cameras, while blinking in Morse Code "Mushroom!" for all his Q Anon and white supremacist supporters to understand.

Isn't that why so many people dislike Trump?  And the best way to condemn those things is immigration reform?
What's the over/under on how soon Trump mentions "invasion" again?  And the solution is not just immigration reform, but more killings and suspension of the Constitution to make 'em happen:
Beto O'Rourke is pissed!
Righteous in his wrath, mickle in his wroth, direct in his determination of what's happening:

But getting back to Trump, it's all about "Say one thing, but more loudly say another."  This is not new.
And this one ricocheted around GOP-land so fast you'd swear they all had it on speed dial (or it's the talking point they all know to go to):
The bodies aren't cold in the ground, and this is our national discussion:  immigration laws and suspending the Constitution to "get tough on crime!"

It's a moral outrage.

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