Monday, August 12, 2019

Support Our Brits!

Because trade arrangements between countries are simple matters easily decided over a light dinner, right?

And trade contracts between private companies are as easily established as switching the garden hose to a new spigot, right?  Or just shipping goods to a new store when the old store goes out of business. Happens as easily as redirecting the truck, doesn't it?

It's really quite frightening how stupid and clueless the people running our government are.  U.S. "support" to Great Britain will amount to basically a tweet saying "WE SUPPORT YOU!"  I'm old enough to remember when everyone bought magnets saying "SUPPORT OUR TROOPS!"  I'm sure that did the troops a lot of good, too.  Somehow.  Some way.  Anyway, it was about as much support as the U.S. can offer Britain when it crashes out of the E.U.  Maybe there'll be a market on yellow magnets again.

I should get in on the ground floor of this....

Ah, dem was de days!

1 comment:

  1. If they do this, I hope it leads to all of the Celtic parts of the UK breaking away and forming a Celtic confederation with the Republic of Ireland, leaving England isolated and backward, a class-ridden backwater. It's probably the only way that they'll ever get rid of the stinking class-system culture. The final dismantling of the empire would be a fitting end to this.
