Wednesday, December 02, 2020

As Goes St. Louis, So Goes The World?

These things that pass for knowledge I don't understand. Even if the homicide rate in St. Louis (city? or county? The city is not in the county.) exceeds the covid death rate, that's a good thing how? Or proves what? That we can't do anything about either cause of death, so why bother?

1 comment:

  1. Newt Gingrich certainly deserves to be a name that more than matches that of Joseph McCarthy's as a synonym for evil. His malignancy is more vast and far more long in potency, only he didn't go for Hollywood figures so it won't be. He did as much as anyone to carry Nixon's torch to burn down what is decent in the United States.
    That his skanky wife was put in the Vatican embassy is proof that their plans involve the corruption of the Catholic church, something I've suspected since JPII was made pope.
