Thursday, June 24, 2021

Beating The Horse Before It's Completely Dead

Giuliani supposedly has "big names" representing him in his license suspension proceedings (I'll take that as read, I have no idea myself).  So why are they this stupid?

"He's a valued member of the legal profession, he's a valued member of this country," said Bannon. "He was talking about Peter Navarro's analysis of facts and others, and three thousand affidavits, three thousand affidavits that he had. And now you see in Arizona, you see it in Georgia, you see it all over. And you're telling me that that's — this appellate court suspended his ability to make a living, and try to humiliate and shame one of the greatest living Americans that sacrificed more for his country than virtually anybody ... that's what we're doing because he spoke up about an illegitimate election that we know now was illegitimate because the receipts are going out in Arizona and other places. Is that why they suspended his license, sir?"

"They were of the view that the statements he made were proven to be untrue," said [John] Leventhal [attorney for Giuliani].

Does going on Bannon's podcast have some strategic value for a case before the Supreme Court of New York, Appellate Division, First Department?  Because I'm not thinking they're the audience for Bannon's podcast, or too interested in his opinion.  Then again, neither is Levanthal.   Leventhal's job is to change the view of the court as to the facts.  Does he see Bannon as a way to do that?  Or is his client running this circus?

These guys are fuckin' geniuses, I tells ya!

Raw Story calls Leventhal a "Trump ally."  Maybe this is what it takes to be in Trump's inner circle.  Maybe you have to be as committed to the narrative as Trump is.  Which is to say you have to be just as stupid.

At this point, if any one institution is going to "save democracy," it's clearly going to be the courts.
Clearly there's a pattern here (although it's a bit premature; Giuliani hasn't been disbarred, yet. Patience, grasshopper.)

1 comment:

  1. Critical as I am of the legal profession for not disqualifying crooks, liars, con men and wack jobs, I'll note that there is no chance that Peter Navarro will ever get kicked out of economics no matter how much of all of those he does.
