Monday, July 26, 2021

COVID Can Fix Stupid!

But, as usual, the lesson comes too late.

My sympathies are with this man and his family. But dammit, how many people did he harm with his stupidity?!
Even I can't have sympathy for all of them.  This is like people accepting the consequences of smallpox or polio, especially if those consequences are not visited upon them. Houston, we have a problem.

1 comment:

  1. If I were Russian and only the Putin regime vaccine were available, I'd probably be skeptical too. Though since our vaccine hesitancy is a product of his sponsorship of Trump, he is the author of it in both cases.

    I am beginning to look on this round of Covid spiking as a tax on hatred, that being the motive of Trumpism and Republican-fascism in general. Hate as a political weapon might turn out to be as counter-productive as mustard gas was on the battlefield. I dread what will come next because there are other variants rising in the unvaccinated population. If there were one that overcame the immunity given by the vaccine we could be far worse off than we were before. I meant it when I said that these people could get a third of the population killed before this is done, if not all of us.
