Friday, December 31, 2021

Like FoxConn?

Tell me again how FoxConn worked out for the GOP in Wisconsin. Those voters are also the people who think Trump had their interests at heart, and what did he do for industry? Still: Trump. Random jamoke on the intertoobs is messaging for the entire Democratic Party? You should have left it alone already. As I said. “working class voters” still think Trump actually cared about them, when Democrats provably do more for the working class than Republicans do.

And really, by now, the distinction is between college educated and non-college educated.
🤔, indeed.

1 comment:

  1. This Mike Madrid who is slamming Democrats because a lot of Democrats are college students wouldn't be the same Mike Madrid who works for, You know, the University of California at Berkley and is a Republican-fascist consultant?

    I have certainly been critical of the play-lefty snobs and have advocated radical economic egalitarianism but anyone who works for a state university, where the working class turned into the middle class in so many cases, and still do, who spouts this stuff has no credibility.

    He's in the business of stereotype creation in order to gull the working poor and poor people into voting for their own inequality, a professional liar and deceiver, in short.
