Tuesday, October 04, 2022

Stick A Fork In 'im, He's Done!

I don't like to mock people's appearances like this, except...well, yeah I do! I had a pair of white leather shoes for my "Sunday dress" clothes, that I wore in junior high. But all those photos are now securely stored in a secret location and rigged to burst into flame if the proper password isn't used the first time around. I knew better than to wear white shoes by the time I was a year older.

The funniest part about these mud boots (aside from the fact they look like they were taken off Olivia Newton-John circa 1970) is there's not a hint of mud around in that picture. I agree with the caption on one tweet: his staff hates him.

1 comment:

  1. I thought Nancy Sinatra when I saw it. Only he doesn't look like he does much walking.
