Saturday, January 14, 2023

Tell Me You Don’t Know 💩 About Criminal Law*

...or anything else, for that matter.

Trump will say “But Biden did it!”? Maybe; but not in a court of law. Not a defense; won’t be allowed by the judge.

It will be a disaster to prosecute Trump? More like the final nail in his coffin. Has it been a disaster to prosecute J6 criminals?
Apparently not. Not prosecuting Trump would be the disaster. And if by now you still don’t understand the differences between Biden’s possession of documents, and Trump’s; pay attention to the trial. 

They can be very educational. Kinda like the J6 committee hearings; but with, you know, harsher consequences.

*Or that you’re really too deeply inside the Beltway.
So this is good news for Hunter Biden, right?

1 comment:

  1. I'd interpret that as him admitting that what journalism has come to would ceaselessly push the Republican-fascist talking points on this so as to get the Republican criminal off. It's what the freest press we have ever had in history does on a regular and entirely predictable basis. And the WaPo is as much a part of that as CNN or NPR or FOX.
