Tuesday, February 21, 2023


This goes on forever; I'm not going to. But let's start with letting states "completely control things like education." She might want to talk to her party's frontrunner for the Presidential nomination:

"We will end the leftist takeover of school discipline and juvenile justice," Trump says in a five-minute pre-recorded campaign video released Monday....

"Many of these carjackers and criminals are 13, 14, and 15 years-old. I will order the Education and Justice Departments to overhaul federal standards on disciplining minors," he added. "So when troubled youth are out of control, they're out on the streets and they're going wild, we will stop it. The consequences are swift, certain and strong and they will know that."

We're back 40 years ago to "wilding" and the Central Park crime that falsely arrested innocent children and charged them as heinous monsters.  What could go wrong?

"I will not hesitate to send in federal assets including the National Guard until safety is restored," Trump says.

Which is a sure way to shrink the federal government, n'est pas?  Well, in Greene's vision it would be, because she would eliminate the very department Trump is going to use as a national police force (let's overlook the fact DOE has no law-enforcement authority at all, shall we? Trump's ignorance of what government does and how it does it is matched only by Greene's):

Apparently this "divorce" would eliminate the Constitution, too? 🀷🏻‍♂️ Details, details....  Wait, no, it can't.  The federal government has to provide for the common defense (see below) and Congress has to continue to regulate interestate commerce.  Well, more or less; and only along lines MTG approves of, because this is not fascism, it's a democracy.  But a democracy of one.

Ein volk, ein reich, ein...atmosphere and water system?  So, in a divorce, who gets the rivers that run from Minnesota to Louisiana?  Or New Mexico to Texas, for that matter?  You get the idea.  And are we now imagining that atmosphere stops at the political boundaries?  Or basic nuisance laws reasoning that determine how your use of your land affects my use next door, won't apply to state boundaries and environmental laws?  Because that's too...woke, even though the legal principle goes back to the English common law?
So interstate trade, travel, and boundaries continue...how, again? On an ad hoc basis? As the states decide? Or even federal districts? Is this where we point out that Georgia is a purple state, if not blue by now? And that Greene's opinions don't reflect the opinions of the majority of the citizens of Georgia?

"I highly doubt Walmart could place sex toys next to children’s toothbrushes."  Are they doing that now?  I'll admit I don't shop at Walmart, but even my local grocery store doesn't sell "sex toys" next to the toothbrushes.  I don't think they even sell sex toys at all.
  I.e., police could jail blacks and browns without consequence, but white people rioting in D.C. are de facto innocent and can never be proven guilty. I also love that the DOD "would have to remain." Not sure under what Constitutional principle that's true, or why it would "have to" at all, since we're shredding so many Constitutional provisions to give MTG her own private Idaho, but...okay.

Oddly, no word on what happens to Medicare and Social Security....

This is where I give up.  This kind of crap would embarass a 5th grader.  Holy crap, but this woman is stupid.  I mean, you know it's bad when this makes more sense:
"But I digest...."

1 comment:

  1. I don't suppose that silly bint has ever heard of the Articles of Confederation and why the overrated "founders" whose work she's in favor of undoing thought they needed to be replaced. I've had idiots in Congress from my state but even Dave Emery who was once voted the dimmest bulb in the Congress is like a genius compared to her.
