Tuesday, April 04, 2023

If A Fool Utters A Vacuous Opinion Outside The Courtroom…

… does it make a noise inside the courtroom? Does anybody even have to listen to it? So they just go with the state tax fraud claim. And federal elections are also subject to state election laws. Pre-emption is not automatic. (I heard a dozen arguments about this on MSNBC today. Stay away from free legal analysis. It’s worth what you pay for it. My rule of thumb is that the people who make their living at this and spend a year (or two) on it, generally know what they’re doing.) That’s more like it. Who does she plan to get to bring these investigations to the relevant grand jury? or: tell me you don’t know anything about the legal system without, etc.  This is the meaningless threat of a person who proclaims she’s going to NYC, gets there and can’t get noticed, and flees home after literally 5 minutes.  She’s Trump, IOW: long on noise, short on attention span. Especially when she’s not getting the attention.

And down in Florida:
I "reviewed" it in clips on Acyn and Aaron Rupar. It was just the live version of his latest tweets. Not even worth trying to post here. Repetitive and sad! 😞  Is he gonna do this three more times? MSNBC made the right call. Won’t be long until there’s a line on which court issues the first gag order, and then the next, and then the next…*

*(I understand the Court’s concern today with Trump’s First Amendment rights. I expect the interests of the courts and justice will eventually override that concern, much as the crime/fraud exception has overridden Trump’s privilege claims.)

I figured the judge wouldn't put a gag on at first. I know not "prior restraint" per se, but I'm sure he was like, "I can't look like I'm oppressing this chud, so I gotta at least give him an opportunity to behave properly." Then, when the threats/incitement happen...
Yup. And each subsequent court will find it easier to be less lenient in a shorter time period.

1 comment:

  1. I figured the judge wouldn't put a gag on at first. I know not "prior restraint" per se, but I'm sure he was like, "I can't look like I'm oppressing this chud, so I gotta at least give him an opportunity to behave properly." Then, when the threats/incitement happen...
