Friday, April 21, 2023

What I Truly Don't Understand... why anyone on Twitter is pissed off about this. And they are; they really are: Maybe because Musk is so pathetic about it? And everybody is pissed off: Well, except public institutions. Which, oddly, seem to have the coolest Twitter feeds: But the odd part is the people SO INSULTED that other people, especially public figures/celebrities, won't pay for a blue check mark. Of course, most of those people are Elonauts who think he can do no wrong, so they seem to ignore he's "paying for it" for some celebrities. Which is also hard to understand. Somebody's gonna have to explain it to me....

Although I do want to ask the Elmonauts:  "How's that relocation to Mars plan looking?"
And that despair is absolutely worse than I thought: These people have so much of their identity wrapped up in blue checks they need to get off Twitter and seek therapy. I mean, they make this guy seem sensible: I am comfortable with saying none of them should have anything sharper than a rubber ball.

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