Wednesday, May 01, 2024


The man who told TIME magazine that tariffs are not paid by American consumers. When the whole purpose of tariffs is to raise prices on imports so they don’t sell. See? Does he think the unemployed go where the socks go in the dryer, and are replaced with never-employed people? What dystopian sci-fi hell does his mind conjure up as reality?

And does he understand the people “coming back from work” (back to work?) were unemployed when he was POTUS?
The bridges are fake. The windmills are real, though. Ask him for details. Place, time, name of store. I can almost guarantee he names a department store that’s gone out of business earlier this century. If he’s going to win in November he has to change the record at some point. He’s given this speech over and over. Why does he have so much trouble with words? Before, or after, he repeals and replaces Obamacare? Or will he do it the week before Infrastructure Week? A much larger number of people are not happy, but fuck them, Trump doesn’t need the votes. And covid just “went away” one day. Somebody in the Trump entourage had their name changed to “everybody.” Or Trump is dangerously demented. Losing control of his biological functions? Or hiding from reality and avoiding psychological injury? I think one is as likely as the other, but a proper examination is necessary to settle the question. I tend to favor “denying reality.” I mean: The evidence just keeps piling up. Except every time he gets near a microphone.🎤 

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