Thursday, May 16, 2024

Fool’s Gold

At the end of the day, he added, "The thing that would be pure gold is if they can bring out lies that he told on direct, right? If they can show that he lied about something in this courtroom. "That's far more valuable than than all of the history of lies that he has to Congress and everybody else."
Well, yeah, a Perry Mason moment would be dramatic, but surely Parlatore knows that. This is “Wish in one hand, shit in the other, see which fills up faster.”  Where is this coming from?

 Oh, maybe this.

You can take the lawyer out of MAGA, but… Exactly. Without that, none of this comes into the courtroom. In fact, how Parlatore thinks the evidence of Cohen’s supposed lies in direct can be introduced now, is beyond me. He really is calling for a Perry Mason moment where Cohen provides the evidence in a confession of his “lies.”

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