Wednesday, May 01, 2024

In Other Words…

Two sources familiar with the matter told the magazine that several Trump advisers and attorneys have discussed the plan – which they call the "jailbreak" strategy – with the former president, saying they would file and emergency writ of habeas corpus they feel certain would win an emergency stay of a contempt order.
What competent legal counsel would do in any case where their client was threatened with jail for contempt. You don’t even plan for it; you just need to know how to do it, should the need arise.
The sources said the advisers told Trump they believe the stay would be granted before authorities were able to sort out the logistical hurdles of putting an ex-president into a jail cell when he's guarded by an armed Secret Service detail.
Which tells me these sources are probably NOT on Trump’s legal team. I’m pretty sure the courthouse is ready to accommodate prisoner Trump if need be. That comes with the territory, too. And the Secret Service likes to game things out well in advance. They’re law enforcement; they don’t supersede the judge, ever.

Would the appeal succeed? Change the facts, change the outcome. What will the judge do, and why will he do it? Those are the relevant questions.

And right now, they can’t be answered. Hmm…🤔

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