Wednesday, May 29, 2024

It’s Really A Pity Trump Law School Never Got Off The Ground

The last phrase is a tell. But it tells me Trump is thinking about money. Certainly not about God. Nothing to do with Trump or law, but there are several small towns only a few hours away from where I sit, with buildings still standing from the 19th/early 20th century, which had houses above the store below. Hell, “Dobie Gillis” was a TV show from ‘59 to’63, where Dobie lived with his family above their grocery store.

And farmers; and ranchers. Living where you work is not a new concept. Commuting to work, still is. In historical terms.
Alina Habba agrees: it is boring. 🥱 
While providing updates on the courtroom proceeding, CNN's Paula Reid reported, "Just now a phone went off in the courtroom; our colleagues are reporting that it appeared to be Alina Habba's phone playing a video." 
As co-host John Berman laughed, she added, "Apparently the judge did not look, did not react, did not make a thing about it and she apparently put her away her phone." 
"That's interesting," co-host Kaitlan Collins interrupted, "because Trump's team they've had their phones out. Anyone else, if you're sitting in the back of the room, including the DA's team from what I've seen, are not on their phones. You are not allowed to be on your phone, you can't even have your phone sitting next to you if on silent or even off. The court officers will tell you, put it away, and don't even bring it out." 
'Yeah, but Trump's team, they sit right behind them and they often have their phones out doing various things, emails, but to have a video play in the middle of this historic moment when they're charging the jury? I mean, that's that's pretty poor form so hopefully that will not happen again," Reid replied.
(Children. These people are fucking children.) History is a series of events like this. I’m pretty sure he doesn’t know she’s dead, either.

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