Wednesday, May 29, 2024

The Fall Of The House Of

Is it a communicable disease of some kind? This wild compulsion to exaggerate? Or is it just envy? OTOH, maybe stupidity is contagious.😷  Okay, walk through that step by step. First: who is “they”? Can’t be the prosecution; they called all the witnesses save Costello. Funny he passes silently over Costello. 

And the list? What, he’s got a little list, and they’ll none of them be missed? How Nixonesque. 

Now, “big players”? Big, strong players with tears in their eyes, saying as they’re weeping that they’ve never seen anything like it? And these big players would have solved “their problem”? Again, who is “they”? Is they the prosecution? Really can’t be, can it? Is Trump dissociating himself from…himself, from his predicament, from the person who might soon be, now and forever, a convicted felon?

“Or actually would have given us the win.” Well, that seems to throw the whole analysis into a cocked hat, doesn’t it?  Except I think it underlines the last line: that Trump is disassociating himself from this reality he fears so much. And here’s the break: he could have had the win, if the prosecution had just allowed it, had just called those big, strong witnesses with tears in their eyes to say they’d never seen anything like this.

Then again, they didn’t need to: “We already have the win.” No question who the pronoun refers to now. Or why he says it. A sort of sympathetic magic to jinx the hex he just put in himself. The power of positive thinking, you know, is to magically control the future which is now wholly out of control, and force it to respond to your command anyway. It won’t, of course. That’s what makes it magical thinking.

Or the start of a psychological break. I’m not sure that’s a term of art, but it does seem to me Trump is already refusing to accept what happens next. Only he can’t file 60 lawsuits and rally 3000 people and leagues of fake electors to try to reverse the inevitable. Not that it worked the last time, either.
“Witnessers.” Making up words to fill the inability to find the words. Perhaps. Something going on there. And back to the refusal of responsibility. Trump cannot fall, he can only be failed. 

The truth is, putting in a defense in a criminal case dangerously risks shifting the burden of proof to the defendant. Too much evidence and “reasonable doubt” becomes quite unreasonable. That’s the risk. But Trump ran the case, that much is clear. There’s no one else to blame. Not that he’ll ever admit that. But is he aware, as he speaks, that the failure to call these witnesses lies solely with his lawyers (who undoubtedly made the right call)?

No. Absolutely not. That much self-awareness would make him explode like a sun going nova.

I really think we’re starting to see clear cracks in the foundation. The split from ground to roofline that opens until the whole structure collapses into the tarn.

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