Monday, May 20, 2024

Weaving A Few Threads 🧵

A legal argument was then held on whether the defense could call an "expert" Brad Smith to give his interpretations of legal terms that are the subject of the predicate offense for these charges. The DA objected since experts are permitted to give an opinion about the facts of the case based on their analysis but not on the law since it is the province of the jury to apply the law to the facts, not a witness. Emil Bove argued that having their expert define those terms "is absolutely critical" to their defense. Judge Merchan ruled that Smith cannot testify since he will only be making legal conclusions.
I’m just going to say the defense argument there is absolutely a non-starter . Merchan’s ruling is horn book law. Bove knows better than to even try. A sure sign they know they got nuthin’.

Calling Costello is not looking too good, either.
They tried to do it without the risk of cross-examination. That didn’t work.
Legal arguments began with the DA objecting to Blanche's plan to use an email from the partner of former Rudy Giuliani associate Robert Costello, who claimed to represent Michael Cohen in 2018 despite Cohen's strong denials. Merchan excluded it on the grounds that it is hearsay and doesn't include Cohen's state of mind at the time, which would be the only relevance of it.
So, will they call Costello, and get him to testify he’s a Trump sycophant who never worked for Cohen? Signs point to “No.”

The reason Merchan called them in 45 minutes early:
Was to hear these arguments from Trump’s lawyers. Meanwhile, outside Fort Knox, Manhattan: Mission Accomplished.

And I thought some 40 MAGA Representatives were supposed to be in court this week. The judge seems to think it’s going to wrap up by tomorrow:
Those guys had better hurry.

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