Sunday, June 16, 2024

Crazy As A Shithouse Rat 🐀

“I believe it's God's plan," Lindell said. 
A key element of Lindell's plan was to "confuse all the electronic people," he explained. 
"They're not going to know if you're going to vote early're going to vote on Election Day," Lindell said. "Everybody needs to reach out and get, get your early vote, get your ballot." 
Lindell seems to be suggesting voters request early voting ballots that they will not use and take them to poll sites. 
"On Election will take this ballot and you will go to vote," Lindell said. "And if they say, 'Well, you've already voted'...then we have a plan where you're going to go outside, then you're going to open that up." 
Then, voters should take the ballot outside, take a picture of it and send it what he calls the Election Crimes Bureau but also goes under the name of the Lindell Offense Fund website. 
This, Lindell claims, will help Trump by providing "new evidence." 
"So we're going to have you all be deputized to save our country," he said. "We all need you to deputize all of you if they steal it again like this, I, the people will demand these machines that we paid for out of our tax dollars."
God and/or Lindell don’t understand how voting works.

I can only speak for Texas, but the mechanics are fairly uniform for most. I don’t even know the state of play for the entire state, but Harris County just changed over to printed ballots. We used to vote solely electronically; now it’s a hybrid system (vote on a computer screen, print a ballot, scan the ballot). You print on special paper, but it’s blank until you vote.

So you couldn’t get one early. 

If you qualify for a mail-in ballot (and I know some states vote solely by mail, but I’m sure they have largely the same security measures), you get one in the mail. If you try to vote in person after that, at best you can cast a provisional ballot. In the end, only one will be counted.

If I vote early in person, I can’t walk out with the ballot and come back later to either print it or scan it. And why would I want to?

I literally have no idea what Lindell thinks he’s “deputizing” people to do. This is sort of like telling people to burn their drivers licenses, because…the deep state is watching? The most that would happen if you followed Lindell’s “plan,” I suspect, is that these “deputies” would get to cast a provisional ballot. 

The system would be fine.

Besides, I think this plan will involve tens of people in, maybe, ten states. If that many (states, or people).

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