Sunday, July 21, 2024

Pictures v Words

Isn’t Axelrod telling Biden it’s all over? "Overwhelming majority of voters”? Based on what? Focus groups of a few people selected by one person? Sure, go with that.

I hate when they make Trump sound normal.
😂 So it did magically grow back? He appeared in Michigan with no bandage and no visible damage.

I worked for a lawyer who had about 2 cm of ear removed for melanoma. It was bandaged for weeks; then he visibly and obviously had a portion of his ear missing. And it took weeks before the prosthetic was ready to be attached.

The picture of Trump immediately after the shooting showed blood, but little obvious damage. 2 cm is what Ronny Jackson reported lost. And yet it wasn’t missing in Michigan. Maybe Trump did make it grow back by his magic willpower?

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