Sunday, July 14, 2024

See No Evil 🙈

After the speech, NPR was at pains to discuss how “both sides” had “gone dark,” and the great unwashed were tired of it all around.

No doubt they are. But the “darkness” is quite literally on one side. From “American Carnage” to J6 to gag orders and death threats to judges and prosecutors, it all begins and ends with Trump. It isn’t a miasma rising from poisoned ground in some Victorian novel, some dark atmosphere that has mysteriously rolled over the land. We know where it started, we know what keeps it going. And it’s neither fair nor balanced nor objective to ignore what is apparent to all of us.

Especially since the President outlined it so clearly…
I had forgotten NPR also discussed, with no sense of irony or history, how Trump would use this event to pivot to a kinder, gentler, campaign, away from the “darkness” all the voters are tired of.

Trump, in other words, will stop being Trump, just in time to finally get more than 47% of the popular vote.

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