Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Eye Of The Beholder

Yeah, I’m trotting that out one more time.

People sitting at a long table eating is not always a reference to Da Vinci’s painting.  I have memories of my mother’s family gathered at a long table for Thanksgiving. Had we moved everyone to one side for a photo, would we be invoking Da Vinci? Or just trying to get everyone in the picture?

Besides, Da Vinci’s painting has a lot less to do with the Olympics than a Greek god does. I’m not too concerned about the protests of a few French bishops, either. I should think they would be more outspoken about the plight of the poor, tbh. Besides, none of these sanctimonious people seem to have been bothered by this:
In one of the other striking moments of the ceremony, a woman holding a bloodied severed head and intended to be executed French queen Marie-Antoinette appeared in a window of the Conciergerie, a building where she was imprisoned after the 1789 French Revolution.
A blue Dionysus at a feast table is offensive, but “a bloodied severed head” is just good, clean entertainment? 

I’ll retire to Bedlam.

1 comment:

  1. Did people think Paris was going to to do it like Salt Lake City? At least it's not in a repressive dictatorship like it has been so often.
