Once again, through the good offices of Wounded Bird, I wind up at the "Mitregate" story; but only briefly. Through Mimi's post I found this post which includes this description of PB Jefferts Schori stay in England:
Oh, really? Luke 7:36-50, I'm guessing. How interesting, especially since the C of E was so concerned with people seeing this woman, and thinking her acceptable.*
There was one positive moment when Canon Kearon said to Bishop Katharine, “I gather you’ve also been visiting England and there have been some issues that arose during your visit there. I just want to say I’m not a member of the Church of England, I'm a member of the Church of Ireland."
Most of us took this to be a back door apology for the way Bishop Katharine was treated by the Archbishop of Canterbury [he told her not to wear a mitre] -- "mitregate," as it is being called. By the way, Bishop Katharine remains amazed at the uproar over it, and she clearly is losing no sleep over something she calls “bizarre, just bizarre.” She did comment in conversation that the readings that day were wonderfully apt, being about the woman who knelt before Jesus with her hair uncovered.
Really, the Gospels are such a handful of prickly pears sometimes. Most of the time, actually. Handling them is really like playing "Hot Potato" with live hand grenades.
Really. And I haven't even mentioned the very interesting discussion about the basiliea tou theou this brings up. Somehow that just doesn't seem...hospitable.
*As for the explanation of the C of E, especially the resort to English law, my lawyer's nose smells a crawfish, and my lawyer gut tells me: "Bollocks!" You resort to the "letter of the law" when you don't want to do something, and you don't want to be responsible for the decision.
Isn't it amazing that the Gospel for the day (not chosen by Bp. Katharine!) when she carried her mitre, rather than wear it, was the story from Luke about the woman with her hair uncovered?
ReplyDeleteM'dear, your citation should be Luke 7:36-50. You were close!
I love your footnote.
I love your footnote.
ReplyDeleteMoved and seconded.
Eeep! Errors!
ReplyDeleteThought this might be of interest:
ReplyDeleteKierkegaard's "Mystery Of Unrighteousness" In The Information Age
Old law school line: if the facts aren't on your side, pound the law. If the law isn't on your side, pound public policy. If policy isn't on your side, pound legislative intent. If nothing's on your side, pound the table...
ReplyDeletemitregate 3D – the movie!
ReplyDeleteHopefully with Peter Jackson directing, and Naomi Watts as the Presiding Bishop. http://www.liturgy.co.nz/blog/mitregate-3d-the-movie/3500