Sunday, June 02, 2019

Defending the Narrative

MTP notes this morning that 50 Democrats in the House now support impeachment hearings. It's worth noting that's still less than one-third of House Democrats. Which is not to say nothing can happen. It us to say what happens next faces the reality if bringing more Democrats on board while still facing this:
That article is a series of letters to the paper about what people perceive. Hugh Hewitt was on MTP, relentlessly ignoring that the Barr summary distorted the Mueller report, and the whole panel agreeing Mueller didn't disprove Barr's lies because he didn't think (like Comey also did on handling the investigation of Hillary) he could allege the President committed crimes, without being able to charge them. (I honestly think that's simple fairness, but apparently politics has nothing to do with fairness.) Of course, had Mueller bluntly declared Trump guilty on 10 counts of obstruction, without being able to take even one count to trial, the same critique would have been levelled.

The most annoying part of the panel discussion was the assumption Mueller waited to make a statement until Barr did. After the Starr fiasco, the law was changed to require the special counsel answer to the AG, not a partisan Congress. Be careful what you wish for, because the assumption was a sitting AG would act on behalf of the nation, not the President.

Robert Mueller did what the law required and what the law allowed. A complete indifference to that is as damaging to democracy as Donald Trump.

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