Monday, June 17, 2019

Who seriously thinks this is our "Seven Days in May"?

Yeah, sure:

But as soon as that happens, if it happens, the next nightmare will begin. It may be minutes, hours, days or even weeks, but at some point between Election Day in November 2020 and Inauguration Day in January 2021, odds are strong that Trump will declare that the election was “fake news” and refuse to leave the White House.
On what grounds?  That he has the Presidential seal and the Presidential podium, and his momma loves him like a rock?  (Paul Simon released it in 1973; you think he wasn't referencing Nixon?)

The accepted Constitutional principle is that we have only one President at a time.  On the date of inauguration, we have a new President.  If it isn't Trump, Secret Service and the Marine guards would be authorized to remove Trump from the White House.  If he tries to go to court, the courts will act swiftly (as the Supremes did in Bush v. Gore) to resolve the issue, and the odds of even the Roberts Court overturning the settled electoral college vote or the settled popular vote (Bush v. Gore settled a vote count dispute that was active at the time) are zip and none.  Period.  End of discussion.  The Supreme Court knows better than to start installing Presidents directly.  They'd pretty much like to pretend Bush v. Gore never happened, to this day.  They even tried to deny paternity the moment they released the per curium opinion, hiding even the author so the institution would seem to be speaking.

Trump refuses to leave office, and who supports him?  His loyal staff?  The Pentagon, which considers him a security risk and a national security threat, now?  The Secret Service?  Will there be some kind of shootout as Trump barricades himself in the residence and shouts "SAY HELLO TO MA LITTLE FRIEND!"?

Don't be absurd.

Trump is a bully, which means he folds like a cheap suit in the rain at the first sign of opposition.  He likes to use the courts to threaten his opponents, which worked against magazines who didn't want to spend money they don't have on lawsuits they can't afford.  Congress is not a magazine with a limited legal budget.  Trump has had his ass handed to him in court so far on legal arguments that would shame a first-year law student.  He's not going to win in court, and the courts are not going to be the cudgel he's used to them being.  He may sue, but no court is going to enjoin the inauguration of the next President, or allow Trump to stay in the White House on alternate weekends.  If he lose the election, he's out:  period.

He may go to OANN and proclaim the coup against his rightful rule, but he'll do no more than that.  And frankly, he's going to be the world's worst criminal defense client, so he'll be doing a lot of screaming in the dock, and probably with an ankle monitor (I can dream, can't I?).  But creating a viable Constitutional crisis because the Democrats don't know what to do about it?


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