Wednesday, July 10, 2019

The Greeks called it "Hubris"

Not to mention you can't really do everything possible to draw attention to yourself, and then play the victim card because not all the attention is flattery.

And yes, they are just freshmen; all four of them. The argument that they are young and should be respected for their new ideas has an obverse: that the old (Speaker Pelosi is older than me, and I'm old) have experience and deserve respect for that. Neither argument is wrong, but neither argument is meant to be persuasive. Both are just demands for authority, for power.

Both sides would be better off talking to each other, instead of throwing shade and whinging. This is no way to get things done, nor to advance an agenda.

(And yes, the word she wanted was "palpable." I blame autocorrect; it does that to me, too.)

1 comment:

  1. I think that Congresswoman Pressley's treatment of Kellyanne Conway's attempt to use this was the right one, telling her to butt out and shut up.

    I relate this to the little hissy fit of Ducan Black that was called to my attention, in which those Democrats wouldn't do the impossible and remove Acosta and others (I guess up to and including Trump) single-handedly even as someone like Duncan is smart enough to know that Democrats can't do it.

    AOC is smart but if she's really venting to the likes of Rachel Bade about a dispute she's having with he Speaker of the House, she's got no one to blame but herself that Nancy Pelosi doesn't trust her judgement. I think the Four Freshmen should step back their public exposure and learn how to get something done. IF, and it's a big if, Democrats take back the Senate and Whitehouse and keep the House, there's going to be a lot to do, enough to keep them too busy to do as much press, the ones who have been doing too much press. Not all four of them have too much, I do think that AOC has. She's good at it but she should remember the old show biz adage, always leave them wanting more
