Monday, September 09, 2019


The only airport that services Turnberry is one owned by the Scottish government, and it makes no money and is close to shutting down.  It also charges more for airplane fuel than the Air Force would pay for fuel at one of its own bases.

And how it's on the way from the Middle East to America is anybody's guess.

But without the airport, Turnberry would be a diner on the road no one travels because of the new highway.  Keeping that airport functioning is crucial.  Of course, getting paying guests in Turnberry doesn't hurt, either.

In an administration where a Rear Admiral was coerced into issuing a statement about Alabamaghazi, and NOAA was strong-armed into the same a few days later, is it really a stretch to believe Trump made sure the Air Force used that airport and personnel stayed at his resort at costs far in excess of the per diem normally allowed for such transport of personnel and equipment?

It's the shouting that gives it away....

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