Monday, December 16, 2019

Please, please, please! Be this stupid!

I want to see the fight on the Senate floor to reject witnesses the House didn't call, because that rejects any witnesses Trump wants to call, too.  Roberts will not preside over a kangaroo court where only one side can call witnesses, and the idea a Senate trial can be "fair" without witnesses is a real howler, especially when 50% of the country wants an impeachment trial and a conviction.  And if the demands of the Senate Democrats lead to a blunt refusal by the majority, it's even better!  The House could pass articles and refuse to forward them to the Senate until a fair trial can be assured.  Yes, it's a process argument, but it's the argument for a fair process, not whinging about not getting to question witnesses and then refusing to question them because you don't like the process.

It's all going to be far less dignified than it should be, but the Senate should not be allowed to hold a solemn but short kangaroo court in which the verdict comes first and the trial afterward.  If the Senate plays this too-cute-by-half game on witnesses, no one can hold a fair trial.  Will 4 Senators decide to break ranks and force a trial with witnesses, even when they weren't called in the House investigation?

Sooner or later, they probably will.

Because Heaven knows Sen. Collins is a reliable vote UNLESS you piss her off!  She is stalwart until she is crossed!  Yessirreeebob!  You don't want to tangle with that tower of Jell-O!

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