Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Somebody Translated Trump into English

It took six pages; but it's still as empty of content and meaning as the original.  Somehow, the translation makes his "arguments" even more appalling.

By proceeding with your invalid impeachment, you are violating your oaths of office, you are breaking your allegiance to the Constitution, and you are declaring open war on American Democracy. You dare to invoke the Founding Fathers in pursuit of this election-nullification scheme--yet your spiteful actions display unfettered contempt for America's founding and your egregious conduct threatens to destroy that which our Founders pledged their very lives to build. Even worse than offending the Founding Fathers, you are offending Americans of faith by continually saying "I pray for the President", when you know this statement is not true, unless it is meant in a negative sense. It is a terrible thing you are doing, but you will have to live with it,not 1!

Your first claim, Abuse of Power,  is a completely disingenuous, meritless, and baseless
invention of your imagination. You know that I had a totally innocent conversation with the President of Ukraine. I then had a second conversation that has been misquoted,
mischaracterized, and fraudulently misrepresented. Fortunately, there was a transcript of the conversation taken, and you know from the transcript (which was immediately made available) that the paragraph in question was perfect. I said to President Zelensky: would like you to do us a favor, though, because our country has been through a lot and Ukraine knows a lot about it. I said do us a favor, not me, and our country, not a campaign. I then mentioned the Attorney General of the United States. Every time I talk with a foreign leader, I put America's interests first, just as I did with President Zelensky.
See what I mean?  For reasons unfathomable to me, except that the old saying goes through my head that "When God's people start moving, the devil gets busy!," the idea that Nancy Pelosi prays for him is particularly offensive to him.  Being a narcissist, he tries to make that offense to him an offense from her, but how it could ever be the offense he takes it as is beyond understanding.  Nice to see it stated in clearer English, though.

And in the second paragraph, it is clear the President still doesn't understand there were witnesses to the phone call, and the evidence about what was said is not reliant solely on the White House memorandum/not transcript of the call.  But in the manner of the petulant man-child he is, if he feels justified, then no possible blame can attach, and he resents anyone who doesn't see it so as well.

That prayer thing, though, is really bugging the shit out of him.  That's really interesting.  He can't imagine that his "enemies" could have any concern for him at all, except as an "enemy."  That is very telling, indeed.

Yeah, I don't know what he means, either.  And even Maggie Haberman gets in on the snark:

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