Saturday, June 13, 2020

I Also Have Some Southern Louisiana Property to Sell You

First, you need to check with Brad:

Then you need to check your math:

Oh, and the population of Tulsa is just over 400,000.  So you're going to have at least half-again or more the population of the city show up for a MAGA rally, and you can't take 10% of that number in the arena?

And what about that "second" event?  You doing that on Sunday?

That Louisiana property is a steal, for anybody who believes this nonsense.  Trust me.  Have I ever lied to you?  If I had, would it matter?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, so that's what Diamond and Silk have been doing after they got canned by FOX. Not that I was wondering.

    I'm glad I don't have any family in Jacksonville or the surrounding area. I'm glad the RNC is not scheduled for Tampa. I do have one second-cousin I'm rather fond of who lives near Tulsa, I believe her minister-husband is in a nursing home.

    I feel sorry for the non-Republicans who will pay for this but I don't feel sorry for Republicans. I know that's a moral failing but it's how I honestly feel.
