Sunday, April 25, 2021

Does He Think Beer Comes From Animals By-Products?

"You can throw back a plant-based beer with your grilled Brussels sprouts and wave your American flag. Call it July 4th Green," Kudlow argued.

(Insert joke about farmer’s horse with diabetes.)

Or that you can't grill Brussel sprouts?

Frankly, ending the consumption of meat would be good for the planet.  We've known that since 1971, thanks to Frances Moore Lappe (I first saw a copy about 10 years later.  What can I say?  I lived in a backwater.)

Anyway, beer is made from plants (so is wine! And most alcoholic beverages!) and if you want to grill Brussel sprouts on the 4th of July, well, you are free to do so!

Ain't that what the holiday is all about?

(I think we've found out why the GOP can't come up an attack on Biden.  Should that really be their raison d'être anyway?  Shouldn't they be coming up with alternate plans to offer the American public through legislation, instead of trying to play FoxNews/RupertMurdoch's minions on the taxpayer's dime?  Like, I dunno, an alternative to Obamacare that is more than "Step 1:  abolish Obamacare. Step two: ...there is no step 2”?  Isn't the point of having two parties to actually have...two parties?  Not just one party that tries to govern and one party that says "GOVERNMENT SUX AND SO DO YOU!")


  1. Does that moron not understand how beer is made along with everything else? Oh, yeah, everyone knows that it's unAmerican to grill vegetables. I think he should be reduced to eating only food from the first edition of the Fannie Farmer cookbook in which no green vegetable would be served till gray.

  2. I used to brew my own beef beer, like every other completely normal American.

    1. I understand fermenting the meat is a bit tricky. The French invented sauces to cover up things like that. Maybe that's why they never really developed beer.
