Thursday, September 09, 2021

So, Let's See....

I saw that Trump had made a statement about General Lee (middle paragraph), but not that he'd somehow connected it to the removal of the statue of Lee in Richmond. "Connected" is the wrong word; put it in the middle of his three paragraph rant, the 'connection' being the person represented by the statue and the historical personage.  After that.....

...let's just say I've read more coherent essays from Freshman English students whose submission got an "F".

In the first paragraph, I don't think Trump knows what "desecration" means.  He says the statue will be stored (I dunno; sounds reasonable to me), then that it will be cut into three pieces (again, probably; it's huge), and all this "prior to its complete desecration."

Huh?  Can anybody translate that into English?  I'm serious, I have no idea what he's talking about.  It's like he thinks if he comes up with enough words it will sound really, really bad.  If this wasn't reality it would be bad comedy about a stupid character trying to use words to impress everyone else; and failing, of course, because he doesn't know the words or how to use them.

Is the irony of the second paragraph lost on anybody else?  Lee working to unify the country after his defeat; and Trump working to...well, it sure as hell ain't to unify the country after his defeat.

Then he connects the Lost Cause to Afghanistan to "white extinction" (gotta keep his racist bona fides in sight!) to the Democratic Party because...Richmond took down a statue a year after beginning the process to do so?  And "complete and total victory in Afghanistan" years ago if Lee had been in charge?  Didn't Lee lose?  And didn't Trump want to bail out of Afghanistan?  Didn't Biden follow Trump's agreement with the Taliban, almost to the letter?

The only embarassment here is "President Donald J. Trump."  We're gonna be a long time erasing that one.

1 comment:

  1. I hope he lives long enough to see his name come off of all the things it's on now except the legal papers indicting and convicting him.
    And the lawsuits, especially when he loses some.
