Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Trampling The Constitution And The Law In The Name Of Democracy

Hundreds of migrants arrested under Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s “catch and jail” border security push have been sitting in prison for weeks with no charges filed against them, and dozens were imprisoned for more than a month without being appointed lawyers.

Most of the men are Latino and many don’t speak English. Arrested on the border and dropped in prisons hundreds of miles away, they’ve spent weeks or months with little to no legal help, few opportunities to talk to their families and often fewer chances to find out what is happening to them or how long they will be imprisoned.

Citing the widespread violations of state laws and constitutional due process rights that have mushroomed as local justice systems remain overwhelmed by the volume of arrests, defense attorneys and immigrant advocacy groups are asking courts to release the men. 

Meanwhile, the latest “crisis” on the border is still over. And our Governor’s solution is lawlessness, in the name of the law. Have I mentioned he was a Texas Supreme Court justice? And before that the Texas AG? And the odds of him being disbarred for trampling the laws and Constitution are zip and none? As are the odds of him even losing re-election?

Yeah, we can sure pick ‘em.

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