Thursday, August 18, 2022

I Think More People Are Shocked… find out abortion is a medical procedure, as opposed to a drunk visit to a tattoo parlor you don't want to remember. (Yeah, not the best analogy, but we gotta eliminate this "abortion"="abortion clinic" discussion.  That is suddenly 50 years out of date.).

States quickly passed tighter and tighter restrictions on women's health only to result in stories about women being forced to travel to other states to save their lives. Other women have been forced to reach near death health emergencies before hospitals are willing to act. Stories have surfaced that raped teens are unable to get abortions due to restrictive laws. Story after story is causing panic among pregnant women or women who want to get pregnant out of fear for their own health and safety.

Republican South Carolina state Rep. Neal Collins broke down in a hearing telling the story of a 19-year-old woman whose water broke at 15 weeks when the fetus wasn't viable. The so-called "heartbeat bill" that Collins voted to support, meant that the teen had to be sent home for the fetus to die inside her. The doctor told him there was a 50 percent chance the teen could lose her uterus and never be able to have children. There was a 10 percent chance she could die.

He made it clear he never realized the impact the law could have on the life and health of women.

Meanwhile, many Americans might be personally against abortion, polls showed they wanted the landmark Roe v. Wade law to remain in place. A Fox poll released this week showed that fathers have shown a dramatic shift (28 points) from supporting Republicans to Democrats.

50 years of Roe has changed the landscape.  The elimination of Roe has changed the discussion as to what is an "abortion."  We concerned males, especially, need to catch up with those changes.  

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